Dating 101

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Killua's lip curled distastefully. He sent daggers to the man standing before him, eyes narrowing as he saw the perv flirting with a girl.

"You know you're gorgeous right sweet cakes?" Leorio sends her winks, enough to make her giggle.

Killua just gags at the scene before him, wishing that he was with someone else, anyone else, just not this dude.

"Oh sweet baby Franklin someone save me from this misery!" he moans, eyes going skyward as he sought help from the celestial beings.

Leorio was finished and he wrinkled his nose at the kid's drama. "Agh shut up boy I was a natural!"

"You were horrible!" gasps the Zoldyck as he followed the taller one. "I thought I might die before you had to finish."

"Oh please," scoffed the teen. "You're just jealous that you're not as good as me."

"Oh noo ugly, I'm thankful I don't have such skills," corrected the former assassin as he snagged a random sweet from an unsuspecting vendor. "You were totally disgusting."

Leorio's face crumpled at the accusation. "Disgusting? How so? I was totally owning it! Did you see that girl swooning over me?" he demands, leaning down to see eye-to-eye with the other.

Killua gave him a half-lidded gaze as he mutters "Probably felt sorry for your awful looks."

"Hey! I am not ugly! I'm gorgeous!"

Cool blue orbs rolled in their sockets as Killua decided to speed walk. "Sure ugly keep tellin' yourself that."

Grumbles and muttered curses leave the tall teen's mouth as he shot glares and disgusted looks at his companion as they roamed the park. He scratched his hair and then thought of a good idea, eyes lighting up in joy as he attempted to chase after the kid. Man, why are kids so fast these days? Maybe he's getting old? Nahh not happening. Certainly not when this brat's around.

"Oy Killua!"

Thankfully the boy stopped, giving him a bored look. "Nan ni?"

"Why don't I teach you my secrets huh? Then the next time we go here you can woo any girl you like. What do you say?" Leorio raised his brows twice, trying to make the suggestion enticing. Now, who said he wasn't nice?

A hum reverberates in Killua's chest, mulling it over. He locks eyes with the man. "Lemme get this straight; you want to teach me how to flirt like you?" he rephrases with a questioning brow raised.

"Yeah! It's gonna be so amazing I swear! You ain't gonna regret."

"I'm already regretting just thinking it through," he mumbles, head hanging from his shoulders in defeat. He shook himself up and plastered on a game face. "Well I'll see what you can teach me then I'll decide what to do with it."

Leorio smirked, knowing that was a yes. He adjusted his suit and said with a superior air "Let's see if you can keep up."

He walked away, and Killua dropped his facade to sigh heavily. It was going to be a loong day...

"First tip: you gotta look good and presentable," starts Leorio as he combed his hair and tucked in his suit once more. Killua observed this and tilted his head. "Women judge you based on how you dress and how you act, so if you want a good impression you better dress nice. Get what I'm sayin'?" he adds to the kid, who nods.

"But those splatters of catsup and mayo on your shirt won't help," Killua points out, gesturing to the mess on Leorio's shirt.

Leorio then hid it with his hand, and used that as lesson two. "Which leads us to step two: improvise if you don't wanna look like a complete fool."

And on and on they went, Leorio teaching him all he knew about women and dating, and Killua storing all knowledge in his head and wondering whether to delete it or keep it. It seemed helpful if he wanted a date. But with what's going on in his life these days, he doubts.

"Lesson number thirty-eight: you wanna keep it simple and casual alright? So be smooth and-"

"Ne Leorio."

"What? I was getting to the good part."

Killua stayed silent, and Leorio noticed this and took it as odd behavior. The kid was never quiet; he liked to tease and mock and generally be noisy. So why wasn't he talking?

"You okay kid?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Can we just go home? The park's closing and we're the only ones here."

Without waiting for an answer he started to walk, hands shoved in his trouser shorts and head down in what seemed like the first time.

Leorio didn't like it but he didn't wanna upset him even further. So he followed with quiet footsteps, eyes never leaving the white head.

They reached their neighborhood and if Killua wasn't talking Leorio had to do it.

"Alright you've not been yourself since we left the park. What's up? And don't tell me nothing cuz this ain't normal."

A sigh escaped the Zoldyck's lips, and Leorio took it as a sign of defeat. It was.

"I didn't care when you gave me all this crap," he starts with a low voice. "But then it made me wonder..."

Confusion makes Leorio tilt his head. "Wonder what?" He made sure to keep it steady and soft, so as not to drive away the fragile boy.

Killua scratched his head and clenched his fists. "Wonder if- if I'll ever find someone." His head snapped up, and he faced Leorio with a wide stare as he panicked. "I mean, I'm not into those stuff but I- I couldn't help but think if I'd fall in love or- those things."

Leorio smiled gently at him, and Killua couldn't help but gape. He- he wasn't being made fun of. He was actually scared to admit these sorta things to anyone, even his friends, since he didn't like to be teased when he was the one who did all the teasing.

"It's okay Killua," said the man kindly. "You can wonder and think about these kinds of stuff since you're human too. I get it, it's scary and unsettling. Who knows? All you gotta do is live your life and enjoy." He placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, and he was glad that Killua didn't shrug it away. He liked the small smile that danced on the younger one's lips.

"Thanks Leorio." They stood there in tranquil silence before Killua reverted back to his old self and punched Leorio's stomach softly. "Now let's go blondie's gonna worry if we're not home."

He walked away with a happy whistle, and even though Leorio didn't like the pain on his abdomen he still smiled the kid's way. Ahh he doesn't need to worry cuz he's never gonna change.

"Oi comin' or what?" yelled said kid.

"Yeah I'm comin' brat!" With that, Leorio hurried after the Zoldyck kid.

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