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A/N: School AU here we go its my first time so go easy on me. Oh and y'all silent readers out there I know u rdg pls give me a wave or hello or shoutout or whatever. Just give me the assurance that you're there. You're welcome to comment and vote peeps so pls do

The bell rang to signal breaktime. Classroom doors banged open while students began to file out.

A certain boy with brown eyes and gravity-defying hair stood out from the rest of the crowd, him gliding through with little to no problem at all.

"'Scuse me 'scuse me green boy coming through," chants the boy as he swerved his way and avoided bumping into random people.


Gon turned to spot his best friend. A wide smile enveloped his lips as he stopped to wave him over.


"Ugh you two sound like long-lost brothers or something," comments a tired-looking man. Gon just grinned up at the senior.

"Ohayo Leorio."

"Woke up on the wrong side of the bed eh?" asks a nonchalant and cool voice, also belonging to one of Gon's friends.

Gon smiles at him. "Ohayo Kurapika."

Said boy shoots a polite smile to the younger before Killua was finally able to reach them.

"Outta the way uglies," he says, elbowing a few people. He walked over to Gon to give him a flick on the forehead, to which Gon reacted quickly with "Itai!"

Leorio snickered while Kurapika sighed, asking himself why he was friends with these three. But no matter, he found them interesting people anyway.

"What was that for Killua? It hurt." Gon pouts as he rubs the spot gingerly.

Killua clicks his tongue. "It was supposed to hurt baka. And I did that cuz of all the trouble you put me through. Imagine not waiting for me when I was busy playing a prank on Four-Eyes," he scoffs.

Gon puffs his cheeks out. "I was just excited to see Kurapika and Leorio what's so bad about that?"

"Baka you didn't wait for me!"

"Well you didn't need to play a prank on Wing-sensei," shoots Gon with a mad expression.

Leorio thought it best to cut in before World War III could wage out. "Alright back it up rascals stop right now."

"What would you guys want to eat?" asked the blond who was wearing the school polo with brown pants, a blue vest covering almost the entirety of his upper clothing. He opened the topic so the two youngsters' attention would be elsewhere.

The eldest of them all, Leorio Paladiknight, yawns and scratches his nape as the four make their way to the school cafeteria.

"I dunno 'bout you guys but I'mma get me some chicken and ice cream."

Killua nods in approval of his choice. "Well I bet I can find something so let's go you guys!" He picks up the pace, silver-white hair standing out amongst the blacks. He was wearing the polo with a purple necktie, his collar unfixed and some buttons undone.

Leorio follows after the younger one, slouched back evident with his hands in his dark blue pants. The sleeves of his uniform were rolled up to the elbows, a dark blue necktie hanging round his neck to give a splash of color to the all-white shirt.

Kurapika was left with Gon, who just smiles and keeps his pace slow, allowing the other two to be ahead. Gon was also wearing light brown pants and the school polo with a thin green cardigan. He stuck his tongue out at his friends' behavior.

"Matakun," sighs Kurapika as he continued to walk in a steady pace. "Those two hungry idiots can't even wait."

"Well stomach's talking so I don't think they're using their brains," says Gon.

When they reach the cafeteria loud chatters and boisterous laughter greet them. Gon spots the lanky figure of Leorio in an instant, standing behind an impatient Killua who kept on shouting nonsense.

Kurapika's sharp eyes find them too but doesn't immediately fall in line, instead opting to choose a seat that could hold all four of them. Gon slides in before him, smile still in place. The blond could do nothing but smile back. Who couldn't when Gon's smile was very bright and pretty?

"What would you want to eat Gon?"

"Anything's fine but I'm really craving tempura and spaghetti right now."

Kurapika laughs a bit. "Well we'll just wait for the line to simmer down before we head for the food alright?"

"Sounds fine to me," agrees Gon.

As the other two return with trays of food the line has diminished a bit. Kurapika took one glance and stood without hesitance, calling Gon so he would do the same, which he did.

"We'll be back in a bit," calls out Gon as he hurries after the blond.

"Don't come back if you haven't gotten me some chicken wings!" yelled Killua, showcasing a bone of what seemed like a hot wing.

Leorio scolded him with a slap to his wrist. "You don't gotta dangle it in the air where everyone can see it!"

Killua glared at the senior. "Leave me be gramps. Save your anger to your grandkids why don't cha!" He spat a raspberry his way, which made a tick mark grow on Leorio's temple.

He seethed "Why you-" he clenched his fist and gritted his teeth, trying to maintain his cool. But it was close to inpossible when you've got a Zoldyck brat to take care of. "I'm not OLD for cryin' out loud! Why you gotta shove it in my face?"

Killua's blue eyes take on this glint. "Oh so you do admit you're old? That's what I wanna hear!" A cat-like grin spread his lips.

"Alright that's it you wanna have a go?!"

"Bring it on ol' man!" Killua shoved his sleeve upward to reveal his pale white forearm.

The other two returned to find them in a sort of wrestling competition with their hands clasped and their expressions bordering on constipated.

Kurapika suggested "Why don't we leave these fools and sit elsewhere?"

Gon laughed nervously but agreed all the same. "Sure. I guess they still need their bonding time."

Leorio growled without taking his eyes off the white-haired kid "Oy Kurapika you coward! Aren't you gonna sit with us? I'm almost winning!"

"Yeah! I'm already the winner and this dumbo didn't realize it," shoots Killua.

An annoyed expression grows on Kurapika's face. "You will meet your deaths sooner if you push too far."

Idiots that they are, they made one more comment to push the blond to the edge.



The two were later found sporting huge bumps on the top of their heads, courtesy of one certain blond who couldn't handle their foot-in-mouth disease.

"That blondie sure hits like a Sumo fighter," comments Killua as he watched said boy's back.

Leorio nods in agreement. "Mm. And look, he doesn't even look strong. That puny figure could be a deceit for all we know."

A murderous aura surrounds the gray-eyed boy, which made the two bumbling nitwits step back in fear of their safety.

Gon came back holding a juice box, eyeing the scene with curious innocent eyes.

"What'd I miss?"

"A lot," the other two answer in unison.

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