You stole my-

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Whoo its been so long since I last wrote. A month and a few days. Sorry bout that ideas just werent coming. Ik Im not good at humor but it's just a try so dont expect much




Leorio awoke with a start and hit his head on the wall. He cursed out and moaned in pain, stumbling out of bed to try and save Gon's butt from whatever wrath the Zoldyck was unleashing.

He let out a big yawn as he opened his bedroom door, only for a golf ball to meet his tongue and teeth. Feeling the unfamiliar sensation and realizing right away that it wasn't edible, he spit it out, watching the white ball fly and make a landing on Gon's forehead.

He yelped "Itai!"

"Ooh sorry 'bout that kid," apologized the doctor, as he watched Killua chase the boy in green around the living room. "Might wanna tone down the noise?" he tries.

This only made Killua growl "Shut your trap ol' man I'm busy."

"Busy for unimportant matters it seems," cuts a cool male voice, the trio halting to turn to the sleepy blond who had a scowl on his lips.

The appearance of the Kurta did nothing much to ebb the Zoldyck's anger, so he continued leaping after the boy he called his best friend.

"I'm sorry Killua what did I do wrong?" Gon cried as he tried desperately to get away from the impending doom.

Killua growled in response, teeth baring and neck stretching as he barked "You don't even know what you did?! That's so you Gon and for that I'm gonna get ya!"

Kurapika scratched his head in irritation, going down the stairs even as the two younger ones continued to chase each other, zooming and darting this way and that.

"This mindless game of chase will soon tire you out for more important matters of the day," he says as he casually gets out food from the fridge to make breakfast.

Leorio still watched with wary eyes, gaze never leaving the two dashing to and fro, appearing and disappearing like crazy magicians. He didn't wanna be caught up in their chase, and he had a feeling that one wrong move could land him a spot next to Gon.

"Uhh guys could you take this somewhere else?" Leorio gulped.

"Why don't you drag your lazy bum somewhere else?" shot the silver-haired boy, anger still on the surface as he had his intents on grabbing the brown-eyed boy. "I'm irrevocably busy!"

Leorio turned a questioning eye on Kurapika, who merely rose a brow at Killua's new word.

"Kurapika helpp!" whined Gon, whose legs continued to take him far from danger, even with the house's small space.

"I would love to Gon, but seeing as you put yourself in that predicament, I would want you to reflect on your mistakes," says the Kurta in calm response.




Gon suddenly halted, making Killua crash with his back unceremoniously, sending the two stumbling and landing on a tired heap in the middle of the living room.

The boy clad in green put on a thinking face. "Oh yeah I did."

This only served to make heat pour out of the Zoldyck's ears, face reddening with barely suppressed anger and irritation. He put his best friend on a choke hold, making him sputter out "Only cuz I was scared and in need of hugs!"

"You baka you freakin' didn't ask for my permission!" yelled Killua near Gon's ear.

Gon whined and thrashed on the floor, whimpering "Well I knew you wouldn't let me borrow anyway!"

"Yet you still took it!"

"I just wanted a hug!"

"Argh you two urusai ne!" Leorio shouted, neck red and eyes bulging, his glasses dangling askew. The roar made both boys stop, Kurapika still unfazed as he toasted bread.

"Nan ni?" whispers Gon, incredibly still.

Killua stares back with wide blue eyes, hands tightly fisted on Gon's shirt and hair.

"Take your stupid arguments outside the house why don't cha?" the doctor yelled at the two, utterly disgruntled and annoyed with their mindless arguments.

"Take a mint why don't cha?" bit back Killua sassily, who no longer found fun in torturing his best friend, interest sparked by the lanky teen. "And swallow your anger cuz you're about to get the beating of a lifetime!"

"Oh yeah?? Well I'mma shove it in your face if you don't straighten up that bloodlust of yours!"

As the two dueled back and forth verbally, Gon found that feeding his stomach was way more important and so hopped on his seat and faced his blond friend with an innocent smile.

"So what's cookin' Kurapika?"

"Toasted bread and eggs sound good?"

Gon made a sound of agreement. "You know I love all forms of your cooking Kurapika!"

The blond smiles at him fondly before setting him a plate. "Eat up then!" His gaze then went sour when he caught sight of the other two. "Let them starve themselves for all I care. See if I make them anything ever again."

"You idiot it doesn't go that way-"

"It does so you fool! You're the one who turned a blind eye-"

Gon just laughs. "Daijobu. They'll come round. For now, itadakimasu!"

Okay done how was it? Pls dnt b silent, readers. You're welcome to comment and vote

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