Ehh? Bonding?

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"Ne Killua?"

"Yamete! Where the heck are you going?!" Killua asks his best friend heatedly, scratching his hair in annoyance.

Gon merely looks at him, before he speaks. "Oh! Well I'm gunna be staying with Leorio for a while."

"HA?!" Killua felt his eye twitch. "But what for baka? We've got a whole house for the four of us why you gotta leave?"

Gon scratches his head. "Anou... he's gonna accompany me somewhere and you can't come."

Killua's eyes widen. "Ehh?! You're takin' Ossan while you're leaving me alone?"

Gon chuckles. "You're not gonna be alone Killua. Kurapika's staying home too. Take the oppurtunity to be closer to him Killua. He's a good guy."

Killua lays killer eyes on his airheaded best friend. "Can't you see we're not close?"

"It's obvious Killua I'm not that dumb." Gon takes on this serious expression. "That's why me and Leorio are leaving. And no you can't bail out cuz Leorio and I had it all planned out!"


Before he could take another word out Gon points somewhere excitedly. "Ohh mitte mitte he's home!" Gon waves excitedly, capturing the blond's attention. He walks over briskly, shopping bags in hand.

"Gon. Killua." Gray eyes take in the scene: Killua's annoyed expression, Gon's suitcases, and Gon's unusual attire. "Anou... are you going somewhere?"

He gets a vigorous nod in reply. "Unn! Me and Leorio plan to go to Hawaii!"

The other two drop comically. Killua stands right back up, poking Gon's forehead while shouting "Hawaii?! You've gotta be frickin' kiddin' me! I wanna come too you selfish idiot!"

Kurapika's brows knit. What was Killua saying? And what was Gon talking about?

"Gon, you and Leorio are the only ones?" He gets a nod. "But what about Killua?" He refused to say 'and me' because it might seem like he was asking for more. In fact he ws content at just being in the house.

Gon scratches his nape, avoiding Killua's glare. He turns to the Kurta instead. "Leorio and I planned this trip so you an' Killua will go closer!"

Kurapika's more than surprised at that. "N- nan ni? Where did that come from?"

The boy in green just laughs. "Daijobu you'll both be fine. Now I gotta run cuz Leorio's gonna be so mad at me."

"Well I'm mad at you for not bringing me," Killua retorts before Gon could leave.

He pauses, and meets Killua's eyes. Killua hoped that Gon would bring him. Instead all he got was "Well have fun with Kurapika! Ja ne!" Then as fast as lightning he was gone.

Killua gapes. He didn't find the strength to chase the idiot anymore and so fell on the ground face-first.


When the Zoldyck awoke he was in a familiar room. How the heck did he get here? The last he remembered was hurting his nose with the hard ground.

Come to think of it...

"Ah!" he hisses when his hand came in contact with a bandage.

"Don't touch it else it'll fall off," came a cool male voice from the doorway.

Killua rolled his eyes. "Fall off? Tch that's so lame and old. What are you, seventy?"

Kurapika's brow twitched. "No, I'm seventeen. How far from my original age."

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