Kingdom Roles

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"If you're gonna be a knight then it's only fitting I become a prince," Leorio was saying as he conversed with Gon and Killua one boring afternoon.

Killua shook his head as he pulled out the large lollipop from his mouth. He wagged a finger in the air, clearly not in terms with the older.

"Uh-uh judging by your looks and personality I'd say you're more of the evil wizard who wants to kidnap the princess for your lecherous deeds." He made a suggestive face which prompted Leorio to throw a pillow at his face. "What's that for? Don't need to deny Leorio."

"Ugh shut up brat. And who's the princess huh? If Gon's gonna be the knight and you're some kind of commoner-"

"- Whoa wait just a second who made you captain of this ship?" Killua cut in. "I'm too good-looking to be just a commoner in a kindgom."

Gon tilts his head in question. "So what's your role Killua?"

Killua grinned in a cat-like manner. "I'm the king obviously!"

"What!" explodes Leorio. "No way! Killua's too ruthless and cruel to be a just king. You're more along the lines of a vendor." He eyes the Zoldyck up and down in a critical look.

The young ex-assassin slaps his cheek softly. "Ha! You degrade me too much vile wizard!" Killua says in a mock benevolent manner, puffing out his chest proudly.

Leorio prods the flat chest and counters "Your role aside for the meantime, who's gonna be the princess? Huh?"

Gon then pipes up excitedly "No doubt it's Kurapika! He's got the grace and poise of a woman!"

Killua and Leorio share doubtful looks.

"Demo he's actually not a girl Gon, so that kinda rules it out," reasons Killua, popping his lollipop back in his mouth. His cool blue orbs study Gon's expression deflate at being flat-out refused.

"Doushite? I think he looks good in the role," pouts the sad Gon. "If you think about it, it kinda matches ne?"

Leorio hummed in thought. "I dunno kid he doesn't fit the sort of damsel-in-distress type of princess."

"Yea aren't most princesses like that?" Killua says again, still feeling unsure.

Gon looks to the ceiling lights, then back to his friends' awaiting faces. "I don't think all are like that."

"So what kinda princess is the blondie?" questioned Killua, rolling the candy in his mouth in thought.

"He's gonna be the one that decides his own destiny that's for sure!" Gon's eyes shine bright again as he makes his statement. He can actually see it; if ever his friend was actually a princess Kurapika would go about defying destiny and writing his own. It's gonna be so cool he's sure. He just needs his other friends to believe and see just like he does.

Leorio then releases a hum again, this time considering the idea and liking it. "Ooh I see where this is going. Yeah, I can picture it. A blonde princess living the life everyone wanted. But then, one day she finds it's not enough, and sets about testing the waters and making her own decisions. Brilliant!" He laughed in glee.

Killua had finished his lollipop and was now scrounging the fridge for possible food to chew on. As he spots a chocolate bar to munch, his vision clears to give way to imagination. Oh yeah... he can see it... a strong brave lass fighting monsters and writing her own story. As he emerged from the cool box, there's a smile on his face.

"Oh yeahh heck that's amazing!" He spins to lock eyes with the other two. "And I'm gonna be the prince who saves!"

Gon smiles wide and raises both arms high in the air. "Yeahh! And I'm gonna be the knight who joins your adventure, battling monsters and keeping you safe!"

Killua points to Leorio, who was caught picking his nose. "And you oldie, are gunna be the evil wizard who tries and stops us for good! Yeah, I can hear your maniacal laughter." He shuts his eyes in what seemed like bliss. Leorio scowls, not appreciating the facial expressions the brat makes in front of him.

Just as they were going to plot the whole thing, the front door cracks open to give way to the imaginary princess.

"What's going on?" Kurapika questions as he moves to set the paper bags on the counter.

"Nuthin'," answers a cool Leorio flippantly. "Just creating a story."

Kurapika then joins the trio in the living room. "Oh? And what's it about?"

Gon jumps up, wide smile stretching his lips as he states "You're gonna be the princess Kurapika!" He misses the way said blond turns beet red and speechless in just a matter of seconds. "Isn't that great?"

"I am unfortunately unfit for the role since I am obviously male," he says with a raised finger.

"Doesn't matter!" Killua answers with a dismissive hand. "It's gonna be so cool I'm sure!"

Kurapika's smile froze, not noticing his fingers curling. "And who, might I ask, came up with this ridiculous idea?"

The trio immediately sensed his growing anger, and so did the only thing friends do. They pointed fingers at each other, exclaiming at the same time "It was him!"

Kurapika's eyes grew red and he pulled up his long sleeves to give way to long arms. "How about I give you all a beating for surety?"


"Too late!"

That night, three heads sported huge bruises while a certain blond slept well into the night.

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