Chicken Fights

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Kurapika sits comfortably on the tree he is leaning on, preferring to read and just watch his friends play in the long river after the picnic.

"Ne ne Kurapika!" he heard Gon calling him. So he looked up to see him standing on the water, waving over to him with the biggest smile on his face, wearing his tank top and shorts. At the sight Kurapika can't help but smile warmly.

"Nan ni, Gon?"

"Come on over here! It's fresh!" At this Killua suddenly appears beside him and tackles him in a headlock, the two laughing and playing roughly.

"Oy if you two don't stop I'm gonna get in there myself!" Leorio threatens by the side of the river, pointing fingers at the reckless boys. His response was a splash of water and with that Leorio growled "A'ight you're on!" He jumped in the cool water to catch the young ones.

Killia stuck his tongue out playfully. "Baka. You'll never catch us with your ol' man arms!" He dives in the water, his example being copied by Gon.

"Oy Kurapika aren't you gonna come in?" Leorio yelled to the blond, who shook his head in refusal with a polite smile.

He was suddenly hit with a good amount of water, almost completely drenching him. In irritation he sees the Zoldyck kid who was sticking his tongue out. "That's no good blondie we came to have fun not immerse yourself in some book. Read that when we're gone or else you'll regret it."

Kurapika chose to ignore him. But it seemed like a bad idea since he was promptly splashed with a generous amount again. Finally deciding to join, he snapped his book shut and removed his garments, wading into the water with a glare to the other kid, who smirked at his accomplishment.

Gon squealed as Leorio rode him on his shoulders, the typical position for chicken fights in the water. Leorio held Gon's ankles tight to make sure he wouldn't fall off. "Ne Killua let's fight!"

Killua's brows arched in the air, thinking about it. He turned to the blond. "What do you think? Can I ride on your shoulders?"

"Why would you honestly think I'd agree to such rough play?" questioned Kurapika.

Gon pouts and pleads in a prayer position "Onegai Kurapika! With this we promise to do all your laundry."

"I don't think that's necessary Gon," smiled the Kurta.

"Just agree already and don't be a spoilsport," said Leorio impatiently.

A vein throbbed in the blond's temple and within seconds a man was seen flying over the horizon, courtesy of a strong punch.

Coming to a decision he sunk in the water, nose almost touching the surface. Killua didn't hesitate to climb on his shoulders, hissing out a 'Yes' in triumph.

"Now how do you play this game?" he asks as he rises again, hands clasped on the silver-haired boy's ankles.

Killua's eyes widen. "NAN NI?!"

"Easy," smirked Leorio, who now sported a huge bulge on his head. "Just hold on tight as the boys try to kill each other off." At Kurapika's widened gaze he hastily added "Iya iya not kill really. They're just gonna fight till one of them falls in the water."

Gon nods enthusiastically. "Unn! Just like that!"

As everyone agreed Gon cheered. "Yatta! Ikuso ikuso!" He quickly held onto Leorio, who got into position as well.

Killua sneers at Gon. "Better hold on tight cuz you're gonna be drowning in a second!"

Gon laughs anyway. "I don't think so Killua! I know I'm gonna win."

"Let's see."

Within seconds the two boys were already fighting, their fingers interlocked and their expressions fierce but playful. Kurapika almost let go of his younger friend twice at the roughness of the energetic duo. Thrice he almost drowned at his weight.

Th winner in the end was Killua, who managed to push the brown-eyed boy very hard. Unable to regain balance, both Gon and Leorio fell back in the water.

Gon came back for air with a pout on his face. Leorio just chuckled and ruffled his hair, making the boy giggle and smile.

Killua let himself fall off the other's shoulders, catching Kurapika off-guard. He turned back around to see Killua back on the surface, shaking his head side to side as if to get rid of excess water. He smiled cheekily at the blond and gave a peace sign.

"Thanks a lot Kurapika." He then smiled sheepishly. "Sorry for giving you a hard time to keep me up."

Kurapika just smiled easily. "Don't worry about it. It was fun, for a change."

The kid snickered. "See? Told ya it was  gonna be fun."

Gon suddenly came in between them, huge grin on his face. "AGAIN!"

And so they went on a few more rounds. Gon had fought with Kurapika, Killua was defeated by Kurapika, and Gon had thrown Leorio toward his best friend, who protested with a sharp yell.

"Ew get your grubby face away!"

"OI it's not my fault!" Leorio yelled.

"Well get it away anyway."

"Why you-"

Kurapika got out of the water and announced "Alright time to go home."

"Aww!" whines Gon. "But we were having so much fun!"

Kurapika smiles gently at his black-haired friend. "Daijobu Gon we'll come back."

Gon smiles wide and runs over to wrap the blond in a hug. Kurapika freezes for a moment before hugging back with a faint smile.

"Hey we're all wet!" Leorio exclaims loudly, oblivious to the warm moment. "I'm not sure if I have any extra."

Killua rolled his eyes. "Then go buy some yourself old man!"

"Why you cheeky li'l brat!"

The Zoldyck just barks out an amused laugh.

"Yare yare let's just head home," sighs Kurapika, holding his head but there's a trace of a fond smile on those lips.

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