Water Works

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Gon pounded continously on Kurapika's bedroom door, panicking and jumping on his heels as the seconds ticked by.

The door opened slowly, revealing the Kurta who was sleepy and irritated at the disturbance. Before he could see his intruder his wrist was pulled rather hard, sending his upper body to follow.

As they ran down the stairs Kurapika's eyes adjusted to see it was Gon. He opened his mouth to speak but they abruptly stopped. The boy said "The bathtub's full and it's Killua's fault for leaving the water running."

A confused look takes the older boy's face. "Why are you telling me this?"

Gon's brown eyes flit from the stairs and him, and the last thing he said was "Hold your breath" before everything was flooded with water.

Kurapika swam around the floating ornaments and furniture, looking for his two housemates. He spotted Gon swimming around the first floor, obviously enjoying himself. He settled for looking for the Zoldyck, eyes darting around everything that was blue.

Within seconds he appeared, coming down the second floor. When he met Kurapika's fiery gaze he could only smile apologetically and shrug his shoulders. If looks could kill he'd probably be dead. It's not the first time he saw the Kurta's hostile glare, but it was the first time to be directed at him.

He reached the front door and pulled it open, all the water flowing out from the door and windows, the trio sucking out along with everything else in the house, coughing on the front lawn completely soaked and airless.

Yellow bangs plaster on Kurapika's forehead and he pulls them away to keep from obscuring the view of the destruction of the house. As if to make matters worse, their satellite falls down on the ground with a crash.

Anger flaring at the unfortunate disaster, he turns to Killua who immediately raises his hands in surrender. "I get it; it's my fault. I left the tap open and didn't know it'd overflow happy?"

"Not really," he huffs through clenched teeth as he stands, scarlet flaring at his eyes.

Gon noticed and stood, a small frown in place. "Gomenasai Kurapika." He turns to Killua. "You say sorry too."

He bows after seeing that Gon won't stop pushing him. "Gomene." Well he did feel sorry for the mess.

"Well sorry won't fix the damage," was what the older replied curtly, taking off his garments to wring them out, locks still sticking to his face and neck. His eyes held a hint of scarlet, and his irritation toward the Zoldyck had not subsided.

The two youngsters look at each other, not sure on what to do or say. Wordlessly they help fix what can be fixed in the house, Killua hoping that he can make it up to his friend in some way, since he found it was a horrible idea to stay on his bad side. The Phantom Troupe fiasco can say that much.

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