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Gon was stuck in bed for a day, having a high fever and a difficulty to breathe properly. His friends had done all that they could though it had little to no results. He was still panting and gasping for air, face red and body struggling.

Kurapika wiped a sweat from his brow as he wrung the towel once more, placing it on the young boy's forehead. His brows crease when he sees no improvement.

"Killua bring me another towel!" he calls as a blur of white and blue passed through the open door countless times. "And another basin of cold water!" he adds.

Said boy appeared, panting for breath with the items in each hand. Mumbling a quick 'thank you' Kurapika rolled up his long sleeves and got to work once more, getting rid of the old hand towel and dunking the new one in the offered basin of cold water. He noticed a few ice cubes floating but chose not to say anything, placing it on Gon's forehead again and hoping it would work this time.

It seemed to do the trick since his panting was growing less and his once contorted face was slowly relaxing into a contented smile. His small body grew still, and the pair sighed in relief at the apparent accomplishment.

Killua wiped another sweat from Kurapika's temple with the old towel.

"That was hell," he comments as they both prepare to leave.

The taller could only nod, tired as he left the door open, Killua trailing behind. "But I do hope he gets better soon. What happened anyway?" he asks as they sit on the couch.

His response was a shrug. "Beats me. He was fine yesterday."

Kurapika stays silent to comtemplate. "Oh never mind. It seems his body is still adjusting to the abnormal temperature in the area that his body decided to react with a fever." He looks into the other's indigo eyes.

"I literally didn't understand anything but let's go with that." He smiles.

The Kurta rolled his eyes. "Hopeless, Killua. Hopeless." He receives another childish smile at that.

Later when Kurapika came into Gon and Killua's shared room to bring some food he was rather surprised to find Gon wide awake staring at the ceiling. At the sound of the door opening wider he turned, a tired smile on his lips.

Kurapika asks as he sits down "How are you feeling Gon?"

"Still sick but I'm getting better!" he chirps. "Demo... gomenasai for letting you go through all that trouble." His face falls a bit.

"Iie Gon. It's no trouble and besides, we can't have all of us sick here." He says this with a sort of amused smile enough to make the other boy grin as well.

Gon can only wait for the day he's all better. He can't wait to play with Killua again. Today's supposed to be fishing day. But they weren't able to because Gon got sick. He's so thankful to have such caring friends. He wishes he could protect them all and be with them for a long time.

Which reminds him... when will Leorio come back?

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