Spring Cleaning

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Last chap to make it 25 thnx for stickin by and reading, even if u guys r not sayin anything. But rlly thanks

Birds were chirping and singing their sweet songs, the half of the earth receiving morning sunlight as the day started to break through the sleeping people.

In a certain household which held four hunters, one was just about to wake.

His mouth stretched to a yawn, when his face was invaded with sprays of something wet.

"Ah what the heck's that? Get it away get it-"

"Rise and shine Killua," another voice cuts through his hazy mind. Killua blinked several times to adjust to the lighting, wiping his face to rid of what felt like water. Where'd that come from?

As soon as he could see clearly, his eyes caught sight of the blond Kurta who gazed back at him, a water bottle with a nozzle in his grasp. He pointed to the object accusingly.

"Did you just use a spray on me to wake up?" At the affirmative nod he groans loudly, slumping back to the bed. Just as he was going to close his eyes Kurapika sprayed droplets of water on him again, making the Zoldyck hiss and get up unwillingly.

"Don't you dare go back to sleep," Kurapika tells him with a frown. "Today's spring cleaning and I want everyone to help."

"Ugghh so boring!" whined the white-haired kid, getting up and padding through his bedroom. "Why can't we just get a maid to do it for us?"

"We're going to be rifling through personal belongings; I don't want to take any chances," was the curt reply as Kurapika made to leave. "Gon's up next and he's quite a handful so you better get started on breakfast."

Killua rubbed his eyes as he swung open his closet door. "And the ol' gramps?"

Kurapika purses his lips to keep from laughing at the nickname. "Even harder to wake. I might just have to throw him outside to rouse him to activity," he wonders aloud, finger on chin in thought.

"Yeah okay," slurs Killua as he leaves his bedroom to head down to the kitchen. "What am I supposed to make?"

"Whatever you see fit, so long as you don't burn the house down. Heaven knows I don't need such to happen," laments the blond as he makes his way to Gon's room.

After eating their breakfast Kurapika then took out a rolled up piece of paper, and seeing as he had his friends' attention he let the paper unravel, their jaws dropping as they saw how long the list went.

"That's gonna reach Osaka with that incredible length," comments Leorio as he stared at the tip of the paper.

Kurapika felt his brow twitch. He didn't know whether to take that as an insult or complement so settled on being quiet about the matter. But yet another word could be fatal to Leorio's health.

"That's why I want everybody up and running. I need all your help to fix up this house."

Gon whines. "Aww Kurapika nandee??! The house is spotless!"

"Yeah!" Killua seconds. "It's clean alright?"

A grunt leaves the Kurta's lips at that. "Explain the cockroach incident yesterday? Or the dusty bookshelves? Or the cobwebs on the ceiling?" He raised a brow to prompt an answer from either of the trio, who glanced at each other.

"I dunno," mumbles Leorio carelessly.

"I don't care," Killua answers with a bored face.

"I have no idea?" tries Gon, who still looks confused and innocent as ever.

Yes, these were the three he called his friends. Kurapika wanted to slap himself for the nonchalant attitudes of the Zoldyck and the tall teen. Gon was manageable but clueless though Kurapika can see he was always willing to help.

Those aside...

"Alright Killua you're assigned to the kitchen and the bathrooms," he listed as he ignored the shout of protest from said kid. "Leorio, you're in charge of the bedrooms and the outside of the house." Again, he paid no mind to the indignant squawk and the muttered curses. "Gon will clean the living room and the other parts of the house that weren't mentioned."

"And what're you supposed to tidy up?" Leorio demanded with a pointed finger and a bull-like expression.

"I'll see what I can do but for now, I'll be doing the general cleaning such as sweeping and mopping," Kurapika replied as he began to roll the paper back to its scroll.

Leorio gawked at him. "What that's it?! That's so simple and yet you're assigning us to the hard jobs?"

Killua made a noise of agreement. "That's so unfair!"

"The world is unfair," rephrased the blond curtly as he snapped the scroll shut, giving the other a side-glance.

Gon stood up and said "Well let's just do our best everyone! I'm gonna change my clothes so be right back!" With that, he sped away to his room.

Killua followed right after, and Leorio made his way out of the living room to chase the two. If they don't make it down in five minutes Kurapika's dragging them by the ear.

The day dragged on, and Leorio found himself face-to-face with the dusty floor. He swept and dusted the tables, trying to make the dirty things go away. He shrieked when he found another cockroach lurking nearby, and he had to fetch Gon for him to kill it so he'd be able to finish his task. He sorted out clothes and arranged the books, approving the new look that complemented the rooms.

Brown eyes survey the antiques and the big vases sitting around in the corner, mapping out how he'll do his job with exception and outstanding ability. He wants to maybe keep the look and move some things around to change the feel. Ooh Gon's liking the idea already. Maybe put the vase near the tv and the couch in the corner. Is that too much? And then help out in the garage.

Killua grumbled as he grabbed cleaning equipment for the bathroom tiles. He's scrubbing and mumbling but doing his part fairly well. He cleaned the smelly toilet and put in perfume just to be sure. He made sure the mirror was spotless and squeaky clean. He wiped the sink and added some touches that would make it look attractive. And when all was done, he admired his work and praised himself for a good job.

The sun beat down on him as he raked the leaves outside. A pale hand made its way over the eyes to try and look at the sun. He puffs out a tired breath, resuming his part. The piles of leaves continued to grow as Kurapika did his task diligently. He stopped only when he deemed the front yard clean and tidy.

By afternoon, everyone was finished. They all plopped down in the living room, tired and sweaty with wrinkled clothes.

"So how did it go?" asked the blond to the others.

"Please don't make us do this again," was the breathless answer of a dehydrated Gon.

Well ok its done thank u all for reading have a wonderful day ahead

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