I Am Whole

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The four were currently looking for a place to eat.

Leorio talks in an easy conversation with the Kurta, letting the other two walk ahead since their energy was still full as they goof around and play pranks.

"So how's work with the Nostrades?"

Kurapika hums in reply. "It's good. I'm having so many leads on my people's eyes I'm proud to say I'm almost done," he smiles at the other.

"Good for you then." He scratched his neck. "And the Troupe?"

He gets a grimace as answer. "I have learned the hard way to let things be. Even if I kill all of them there are bound to be replacements and the Brigade continues on, killing everyone in the way. As if there was no difference." He hung his head sadly, the truth sinking in. Still he looked up to Leorio. "But no matter. Revenge is an ugly thing; it can destroy people if it is the one thing constantly in mind."

"What made you satisfied?" asks the curious doctor.

He smiles a little in thought. "I am whole as long as I have you three by my side."

Leorio paused. "Geez you sure are full of surprises."

He received a laugh. "Too soon?"

Leorio crumples his face. "Eh doesn't suit you."

They laugh anyway, Kurapika's a quiet chuckle and Leorio's a boisterous guffaw. Passersby stare as the blond's laugh dies down.

Their laughter made the two boys turn, Gon asking "What's so funny?"

"Nothing Gon," Leorio brushed off, waving a dismissive hand. "We were just laughing about how Hisoka's nuts."

Gon's eyes shine as he looked around. "Ooh nuts? Where where?!"

The three hung their heads.

"Gon baka!" Killua hit the back of his head.

The other yelped in pain. "ITAI KILLUA!"

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