Phone Call

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It was closing time at the mansion, maids turning off lights and guards doing their routinely check-ups all around.

Kurapika roamed the halls, sharp cat-like eyes darting left and right, all the while taking care not to make much noise since it was nighttime.

A ringtone broke the tranquil silence, and he paused to listen to the source. His gaze went down to his pocket, where he saw his phone vibrating.

Strange; who would call him at this late hour? Without looking at the caller ID he puts the phone to his ear.

"Kurapika sp-"

"Ne ne Kurapika!"

He smiles a little. It was his good friend.

"Gon. Good evening."

"Are you free this Saturday? Killua said there's this plaza he wants to check out and I'm wondering if you can make it with us. Leorio said he's still checking his schedule. Can you? Can you come? Pleeasse?!"

The blond stifles a laugh, biting his lower lip. Gon sure is adorable when he pleads like that. He almost couldn't say no. But then again there's his work. Would Light let him have a day-off? They weren't on a mission or anything of the sort. Still he couldn't let his guard down. He snapped back to reality, realizing that Gon was still talking.

"-and he said there's gonna be this ride and then there's gonna be lots of games and he said he's gonna eat all the chocolates- oh wait that's not right! We can't let Killua eat everything! He's gonna get us in trouble and you-"

"Gon Gon calm down I can still hear you," the blond pacifies with a calm voice. His friend stops rambling almost immediately.

"Gomene Kurapika," apologizes the younger sheepishly. Kurapika could almost imagine him sticking his tongue out and rubbing his nape in embarrassment. "Demo can you think about it? I'm starting to miss you and Leorio," he confesses.

Now Kurapika thinks he's definitely going. Who could say no when Gon has practically bared his heart out? "Sure Gon I'll think about it."

"Hontou?" Gon asks disbelievingly. "Yatta! Arigato Kurapika!" he cheers happily. "Ja ne!" Then he hangs up. Though Kurapika has this feeling that he's still celebrating, if not sharing his joy with the Zoldyck kid.

Putting his phone back in his pocket, he resumes his duties with something to look forward to.

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