Little Park Date

379 5 3

Killua and Leorio hid in the bushes, spying on Gon. The Zoldyck had used Zetsu to shut off his aura while Leorio did nothing, since he was not yet able to advance much, only knowing the basics of Nen.

"Who did you say was Gon's date?" Leorio asked the younger, who shrugged.

"He wouldn't tell me."

They kept on following him, interested to know who the lucky girl was. Killua had noticed his weird behavior whenever mail comes during Saturdays. Usually it was Leorio who was in charge to get it but for some reason Gon races toward the mailbox as soon as the mailman arrives. But he refused to tell Killua what it was all about.

Leorio had noticed this not too long after Killua. Gon would always ask to leave the house every Thursday. Not that it mattered to Leorio but it was quite suspicious if it was only one specific day. Kurapika didn't mind and always allowed him, never failing to remind him to be home before dinner.

"Come on Leorio he's getting far," Killua whispers as he stands from the bush, putting his jacket hood up to hide his conspicuous hair. Leorio shoved his hands on his pockets and trailed silently after the ex-assassin.

They watch as the one in green cuts through the crowds with ease. He stops at a few shops, checking out some stuff then leaving. In other stores he bought a few things. After what seemed like the hundredth shop, Gon's arms were full of paper bags and he had a huge smile on his face.

Leorio checks his watch. "Exactly what time was the date?"

An exasperated sigh from the white-haired kid. "Like I tolja, he's not talkin'."

"How low of you two to be spying on someone, especially a friend," says a cool male voice from behind them, making them jump. They both turn abruptly to meet the cold eyes of their Kurta friend, arms crossed.

Leorio shot up from the bush, stammering "Wh- what? Pssshh are you kidding me? Of course not! Why would I- why would I..." he faltered at the blond's steel eyes.

"And Killua, shame on you- mmppff!" He wasn't able to continue, for Killua had covered his mouth with his hand.

"Ssshhh! You're gonna get us caught!"

Kurapika removed the hand, taking his friends' wrists. "Leave Gon be. He can do whatever he wants and Killua he's in control of his own life. He has his own decisions. You have no right to interfere."

Killua looked at the ground, cheeks puffed out. "Wakateru!" he says in a louder voice.

"Come on I'll just treat you some ice cream."

At this Killua forgets the whole Gon dating thing, eyes shining at the prospect of another sweet dessert for today. Though just to be safe, he chances a glance backwards and what he sees makes his eyes pop and his jaw drop.

There was his best friend, talking with a girl shorter than him. She's got a headband on and a green skirt reaching the floor. Could it be-?

Before he could say a word Kurapika dragged him away, the chain user all too aware knowing that Killua knew who Gon's date turned out to be. Yes he knew who Gon was meeting. But Gon made him promise that for now, Killua shouldn't know a thing since they knew he would freak out once he found out Gon had taken a liking to Alluka.

The third Zoldyck kid abruptly whipped his head to face Kurapika. "You knew about this didn't you?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," was Kurapika's blank reply. For now, feigning innocence was best. Time will tell.

Leorio meanwhile was the one confused. "Huh? What?"

The Kurta facepalmed, quite annoyed that he had to deal with this when he was in the middle of cleaning the house. But all for the sake of Killua not knowing. Not yet at least.

Killua was talking and asking questions nonstop, much like Leorio but right now Kurapika deemed his voice as noise. Having quite enough of them both, he twisted their arms in a swift motion, abruptly stopping their incessant queries.

"Itatatatata!" they both wince in pain. Leorio quickly shakes his arm in order for Kurapika to let go, which thankfully he did. But he didn't loosen on Killua, who tried his hardest to release from the blond.

"Agh Kurapika I get it let go!" He shook his arm again, and felt the other's grip gone. "Geez you gotta chill out."

"Yeah what he said," Leorio pipes. They both click their tongues and enter the ice cream shop, leaving the lone Kurta survivor to sigh. But he turns his head and sees Gon look at him with gratefulness in his eyes, little Alluka eating ice cream, and Kurapika realizes the effort was worth it, if to keep his friend's secret for now.

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