1. Heartbreak...

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°•Third Person P.O.V°•

John made his way to Alex's house. He pulled out his phone so that he could inform George Washington, Alex’s ‘dad’ that he was coming over,

John:Hey George, is it alright if I come over? Don’t tell Alex though, I want it to be a surprise for his birthday.
George: Hello John, and yes it is fine. I will not tell Alex as you wish, but Eliza is here so you can greet her. I’ leave the front door unlocked, they are both in Alexander’s room.

John smiled and continued to walk. He finally reached the house and went in. He was greeted by George, silently, and made his way upstairs. He opened the door and found the most heartbreaking surprise ever...There Alex was, with Eliza. Kissing..
   John ran out of the house. He ran, he could hear Alex,George, and Eliza yell after him, but he ignored it. He continued to run. John felt like he couldn't breathe, he held his throat. He was in a forest, who would help him?
     He cried while trying to breathe, his vision became blurry, he couldn't hear anything, but he managed to make out a blurry figure coming over. He tried to scream, nothing came out. Then he fell and everything went black.

°•Thomas’ P.O.V°•

   I was walking around in the forest, I usually came out here to think[CoughAboutJohnCough] It was normal, until I saw someone struggling to breathe, I quickly recognized who it was, John Laurens. I ran over to him, it looked like he tried to scream, but nothing came out.

    After he passed out he began to breathe. So, I picked him up bridal style and took him to my house. I layed him down on the couch and then decided to make him some tea, since it seems to calm me down when I'm stressed and put it on the coffee table next to him.
  ‘What happened..?’ I wondered, John was my best friend, and possibly crush, so I was very worried about him  Extremely worried.
   I sat down on the couch and texted Peggy and Angelica in a group chat we had. We had one with Alex, Eliza, Peggy, Angelica, John, Hercules, Lafayette, Madison, Burr and I, but Peggy, Angelica, and I decided to make one for ourselves.
ThommyDaTrain: Do any of you know why I found John in the forest, struggling to breathe and crying, after he told me he was going to visit Alexander?

TotallyDosn’tShipThaurensAkaPeggy: Wasn't Eliza...There?

ThomasDaTrain:I think? I don't know he didn't tell me.

AngelicaComesAsSoonAsSheHears:Shit, she was there.


TotallyDosn’tShipThaurensAkaPeggy: Thomas...Alexander has been cheating on John with Eliza...We tried to stop them but...

AngelicaComesAsSoonAsSheHears: The two assholes threaten us, Eliza threatened Peggy that she would hurt John, Maria, and her if she told John or anyone else.

TotallyDoesn’tShipThaurensAkaPeggy:And Alexander dickhead threatened Angie that he would ruin her reputation and tell Thomas Paine that she likes him, WTF?!?!

ThomasDaTrain:Well, John know now..Shit gtg John just woke up, Bye

TotallyDosn’tShipThaurensAkaPeggy: Me and Angie are coming over.

AngelicaComesAsSoonAsSheHears: We’re outside now.

And just on cue, there was a knock on the door as John woke up. I stood up and unlocked it. I sat back down and looked at John, then the door was kicked open, “I CAME AS SOON AS I HEARD!” Angelica yelled, “Me too!” Peggy chimed in behind of her.
  John looked at them, then at me. Both Angelica and Peggy, ran over and hugged him and I joined in.

וTimeskip brought to you by gay turtles•×

After a while of talking, Angelica and Peggy left. John turned to me, “Why does it hurt? Why didn’t I see it coming Thomas?” he asked. I hugged him again,

“It’s alright Jackie..It’s going to be Alright..I promise.”

[A/N]: Whooo new chapter :3 Hope you guys enjoyed it!

Word count, with only story: 636

Word count, with word counts, [A/N],and story: 663

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