18. Its all just a joke.

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Thomas P.O.V

"You're a stupid person, y'know that, right Thomas?"
"I am aware of that."
"Good. Just thought I outa remind you."
"As if your any better."
"I'm making this damn paper for you."
**John's P.O.V**
"John!!!" I turned around to see Alex, "Where the hell is Thomas." He asked more of a statement but eh, "I don't know haven't seen him all day." he then left, leaving me with Angelica.

Throughout this whole day people have been given me pitiful looks..I don't like that... The new and improved SG Squad has been gone and so has Thomas. I hope nothing's wrong...


Eliza came running up to me, "John! I'm so sorry about what happe--"
"What happened?"
"You don't know..?"
"Have you read this?" [Don't or I'll make the angst longer.]
She gave me 10 papers "I-I'll read it when I get home.."
"Be safe..I'm sorry..."


Dear Journal,
Its a joke its a joke its a joke its a joke its a joke.
Thomas would never do this.
He promised me.
He told me.
Its all a joke they made...It has to be...right? Its a joke...ITS JUST A DAMN JOKE!! Why am I telling myself this? Why am I trying to believe this? Why am I forcing this information into me? Why does it hurt if its not true?What if...what if its not a joke? Its a joke..Its a joke...

Its all just a joke.

4 or 3 chapters in a day. I just ate a spicy bagel send help

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