17. MY BAD!!

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Thomas P.O.V

Me, John, SG, Peggles, and Angie were walking to school Peggles carrying Lovie on her shoulders and Hamilton doing the same to Jadie, I swear they will fall off. Lots of people would ask if him and Jadie are a couple and they would laugh so hard they'd choke.


We were at Jadies house, "Stop making out! Your making us all sad that were all single." Peggy pouted. I smirked, "HAH--" I was cut off by a knock. "We aren't gonna get that right?"
"I'll get it-"
"No! M--" then the door was magically opened, "ELIZA?!" She gave a small wave "What do you want." Peggy asked, "Let me just explai--"
"Get out."
"Jadie please!"
"Get the hell out!"
"Just give me five minutes!!" she begged, tearing up, "Five minutes."

"I got a SQUIP..." She mumbled loud enough for us to hear, "WHAT?!" She nodded, "I wanted to gain popularity.. I ended up getting it but...I lost all of you..And it came to the point I would do what the SQUIP would say without over thinking it.... And well...I did that with Alexander. I hurt John..and I lost trust from the group..."
"What group..?" Angelica asked, Eliza took out a locket we looked at Jadue, Lovie, and Hamilton. For the first time, they had no words, "We thought you.." it looked like they couldn't continue so Peggy asked, "The Screw Genders crew..?" Eliza chuckled, "Yep..That one..." Jadie pushed up her glasses "Are those the same ones..?" Jadie shook her head, "No.." We all left so they could have some time alone.


"So let me get this--"
"Bi,Gay,Pan,Trans,Ace,And Hetro" we all glared at Peggy, "Ouch.."
"Eliza got a SQUIP, went all Mean Girls on us because of the SQUIP and now she's back in?" they all nodded "Huh plot twist."

"MY BAD!!"
The young author exclaimed, welp there goes the fourth wall.

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