9.Hamilton and his advice.

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•°Johns P.O.V•°
Thomas stayed silent, and after a few minutes I went to Hamiltons

GayTurtle:Hamilton, I need advice I'm coming over!

51PagesOfWriting3CupsOfCoffee: Say no more!

I walked to Alexanders place and he pulled me in, “Are you in Thomas together??????” He asked. I rolled my eyes and, “Why hello to you too, Alexander. And no, but..” I began, “But?!Tell. Me. Everything.” He demanded.
      We went to his room and sat on his bed, “Well..I stayed at Thomas's and he got a bit to drunk..Anyways! He kissed me..and I asked what we were and he didn't reply, so I came here..”
     Alex put on his glasses, to act ‘professional’, he then took some notes, “You're writing down the whole story, aren't you?” I asked. He shook his head, “What?? Psht!” I looked at him with a expression that was annoyed and serious, “Yeah. I am.” he admitted,
     “Hamilton and his advice.” I said and then sighed, “I know right, it's great!” he exclaimed as he continued spinning in his chair. I shook my head, “Well..What do I do?” I asked him, “Well, do you feel the same way?” he asked, I nodded. He looked down and sighed, “You have to ask him out!” he shouted, happiness in his voice, “I can't believe I'm saying this but..Alright”
    After a while of talking I left and went to Thomas's house. I knocked on Thomas's door,

Thommy💞: Are you at my door?
Thommy💞: Don't come in yet.
JackieTheGayTurtle: Alright..?
Thommy💞:Come in

I went inside, “Hey Jackie” Thomas greeted me as he pat a seat next to him, “Hey Thommy” I said as I sat down. He sighed, “Jackie..Last night...I'm so sorry..” He apologized, I smiled, “Hey, it's alright..You weren't sober, “I wish you were though..” I muttered, he then looked at me, “Jackie?”
“Will you go on a date with me?”
“Of course!”

I smiled, maybe I didn't ask him out, but hey, it still worked out! Thanks to

Hamilton and His Advice.

[A/N: Yay! An update, here you go LfApqueens,:3
Word count,story: 344
Word count, story, A/N,W.Cs: 365

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