3.Conversations and Sleepovers.

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•°Third Person P.O.V•°

John and Thomas had been recently hugging and crying, well John was crying..Anyways, it had been a while until Thomas’ phone rang, it was Peggy. He answered and put it on speaker, “Peggy?” He asked, “Thomas..Can I talk to John?” she asked, “I’m on speaker, he can hear.” He said.
  Peggy sighed, “John...Hamilton told me everything...Eliza admitted it to..I just got out from their house.” John went into shock, “You went to their house?! Why?!” he shouted, “John look...I was worried, but now I know the truth..” Peggy said, “And, what is it?” John asked,getting even more curious, “Alexander was forced to cheat on you with Eliza..” She said after she sighed, “But..For half of your relationship..He lied to you, he didn't like you like that..But, as a best friend.” She continued, “I’m going to Alex’s house..” John said. He stood up and left.
   “I have no chance with him, do I, Pegs?” Thomas asked, “Of course you do! Just you wait...Just you wait!” Peggy insisted[get-it?]

•°John’s P.O.V•°

I ran to Alex’s place, ‘Eliza forced him’ Peggy’s voice repeated, over and over. I finally made it to their house, I knocked and fortunately Alexander opened it, “John! Oh my god! Thank god you're here..We have to talk.” Alex said, I nodded.
   Alex led me to his room, he sat down and I sat down next to him, then all of a sudden I began to cry. He hugged, “Don't cry..” He said, “How?..How on earth can I not cry?” I asked sobbing. Alex hugged me, “I’ll explain it..I’ll explain everything..” He whispered.

∆Time skip by: a gay turtle∆

Alex explained everything, “You’re a asshole, you know that, Alexander?” I said To Alexander[A/N: I give full credit to monpetittortue for that line] I sighed, “But..So am I.” I admitted, “John, no, you aren’t!” He argued, “All of this time, I never noticed that something was wrong. And I always babbled about me, “I this, I that, I saw this, I like that” I never asked about you or how you were feeling..” John sighed, “John..I know what I did was wrong, but can we..Y’know..Still be best friends?” He asked. I hugged Alexander, “Of course we can.” I said. We sat and talked for a while, until I left. I knocked on Thomas’ door, “Who is it?” I hear Thomas shout, “John.” I say, loud enough so that he could hear, “Come in!” I opened the door, he wasn't in the living room,
‘How loud was he yelling?’
I wondered, I walked to his room. I knocked on the door, “Thomas?” I asked
“Can I come in?”
I slowly opened the door, I was greeted by Thomas, on his phone, without a shirt. Wait-- without a shirt? I looked at him,
‘Damn..He hot as hell...’
I thought, I was a red mess. It was silent until I finally spoke, “I-I’m g-going to g-go back to my hotel room..” I said, stuttering at first, “Oh..Yeah..Or..You can stay here? I mean, you don't really spend the night like you used to. Remember how we used to watch random movies that we would find? We can do that again” Thomas said. I thought a bit,
‘That would be fun..’
John thought, “Alright then, I'll stay over.” I agreed, “Great!” Thomas smiled. HisHotReallyHot--

I smiled back. After all that happened, Thomas managed to make me smile.

[A/n]: Was it just me or was the ending really deep? No, just me? Oh ok...;-;

Word count, with only story: 595
Word count, with A/N, Word counts and story: 627

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