11. Wait, What?

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..•°Jadies P.O.V•°..

I sat down eating strawberrys and drinking my slurpie with Lovie and Alex, “So...” I heard the Freckled guy called, ‘John’ Say, “Yeah?” I asked, curios on what he was going to say. John pointed at my glasses, “Are those the ones tou were trying to get when you met Lovie?” He asked, I shook my head, “No, the girl broke them and left.” Freckled dude and Poofy dude looked shocked, “Hamilton?” Poofy hair dude asked “Hm?” Alex hummed in response “Did you know?” He asked, “Yes. I was there, and before you asked I bought her new ones.” He responded, Poofy hair dude nodded. “But what Alex didn't know was that it was Eliza” I thought out loud

“Wait, What?”

W.C: 125

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