2. Meet him inside.

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•°George Washington’s P.O.V•°
   I turned to Eliza and Alexander after I shut the doot, “Well?” I asked. They both stood there, not a word coming out of their mouths.
  Not long after a knock was heard. I  opened the door revealing a very angry Peggy and Angelica, “We told you. We warned you!” They both shouted. Their shouted only resulted into making Eliza mad while Alexander looked down.
  I turned to Peggy and Angelica, “What on earth is going on?!” I shouted. Peggy and Angelica turned to me, “Oh, I could gladly explain.” Peggy, said.
    Peggy turned to Angelica, “I’ll take care of it.” She said Angelica nodded and excused herself, dragging her sister, Eliza into the kitchen. I turned to both Peggy and Alexander, “So?” I asked.

•°Peggy’s P.O.V•°
I shot Alexander a glare after Eliza and Angelica left, “So?” Mr.Washington asked, “Well, you see here, sir. Your son here, decided that it was alright to date my best friend, John and play with his feelings! He went on to Eliza instead. We, we meaning Angelica and I, tried to stop them, but Eliza threatened to hurt Maria, John, and I if I told. Alexander here decided to threaten Angelica, to ruin her reputation, which is pretty good and tell Thomas Paine that she liked him.” I said, glaring at Alexander when I said his name.
     Washington turned to Alexander, “Is this true, son?” He asked. Alexander continued to look down, “Yes..” He said silently.
   I snapped, “Oh, so now you're guilty?! I warned you! I warned you, and what did you do?!  Ignore me! And now, when John found out, you feel guilty?!?!” I shouted.
    “Peggy, calm down.” Washington told me, “Yes, sir..” I said as I looked down. “Angelica, Eliza. Come in” Washington said. Then Eliza came in with Angelica. “Peggy, Alexander you two are excused to go into the kitchen. As for Eliza and Angelica you two stay here.” Washington announced. I went into the kitchen, Hamilton following.

•°Eliza’s P.O.V•°
Sir, I swear I had no intentions in-” I was cut off by Angelica,“Oh, you had all of the intentions!!” George Washington shook his head, “Both of you calm down, now Eliza, care to explain?” He asked.
  “Well, me and Alexander had fallen in love while he was dating John, and I had decided to come visit him today, he kissed me  and I accidentally kissed him back, I swear, I did not mean to!” I explained, Angelica turned to me, “You liar!” she shouted.

•°Alexander’s P.O.V•°
As soon as I closed the door, Peggy slapped me “The hell?!” I yelled lookin at her, “You’re a fucking asshole!” She shouted, “Peggy! Let me explain! Please, give me five minutes!” I begged, Peggy scoffed, “Five minutes. That's it.” I sighed, “Eliza forced me. Eliza told me to meet her at the hallway during class one day, and she kissed me when I went there, she told me that if I didn't act like if she was my girlfriend, and technically cheated on John, she'll kill him. I don't have feelings for John in love but only as friends now, Peggy please! You have to believe me!” I shouted again. Peggy looked at me, “We have to tell the rest.” she said I looked up in relief, just as our conversation ended George opened the door, “Hamilton.” he said
“Sir..?” I replied. He pointed to the door of his office, I knew what came next, and so did the others. I turned to Peggy, who gave me a reassuring smile.

“Meet Me Inside.”

Word count, with story only: 596
Word count, with story and word count: 610

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