9. Just try to keep calm/Date

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⚠ Short!⚠
•°Thomas P.O.V•°

∆Timeskip to the next daay!! :D

I was freaking out. I asked my crush out on a date..What the hell do I do, so I went to the goddess herself, Peggy.

“ψ(`∇´)ψ:OK, wear something normal but not normal.

ThommyDaTrain: like a black shirt and a purple sweater on top?

“ψ(`∇´)ψ: yes!

ThommyDaTrain: Should I bring my glasses?[yesh Thomas has glasses]

“ψ(`∇´)ψ: John has always said you look cute with 'em, so yes.

ThommyDaTrain:K, bye.

I put on my glasses, and sighed. Then I heard the doorbell, and there was John, he was wearing a white shirt with a green sweater [shush you gotta love dem sweaters!] “H-Hey, T-Thomas..!” He stuttered, “Hey Jackie, ready to go?” I asked. He smiled, “Y-Yeah....!!” He exclaimed, I smiled too and we went out.

“Just Try to Stay Calm..”

A/N: LfApqueens Chu deserve it :'D

W.C: 145
W.C, Story, W.Cs, A/N: 160

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