8. Then, What are We?

978 38 12

•°Thomas P.O.V•°

I stared at John wide-eyed, did I mention that I somehow managed to remember what happened last night..?? “W-What happened last night..?” I asked, stuttering, John sighed, “Thomas..Y'know what happened..” He said. I sighed and looked down, “Look it just..It just sort of happened..” I said.
   “For how long?” he asked I looked at him, “What do you mean..?” I asked confused, “How long have you had those feelings?” he asked, “Around three years?” I said. He looked at me, “Three years?!?” I tilted my head, “Yeah....??” “Thomas you should've told me!” he yelled, “I was, but then Hamilton said first.” I stated, John then hugged me and sighed, “I'm sorry..” he said, I hugged him back, “I am too.. ” I said. We sat there for a while, and then John asked

“So then what are we..?”

A/N: LfApqueens, you wanted them to date??? Here ya go!

Word count: 143

Word count, A/N,w.cs and story: 165

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