5. So maybe something did go wrong..

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•°Thomas' P.O.V•°

It was about a half a hour or so and the commercials were still going so, ths movie wasn't on yet. But John was already drunk, but so was I so, who was I to judge? Although I think I was most drunk, surprisingly, "C'mon Jackie, you're still sober!" I stated, begging for John to drink more, he just shook his head.
    We both turned back to the T.V, "Jackie?"
"You put Fifty Shades of Grey, didn't you?" I asked, "Pfft...Yeah..." He admitted, I sighed, "Oh well."

∆Half a Hour Lateeeeer∆

John was a red mess while I was smirking, whenever John looked away from the television, I would always lift his head up, "C'mon Jackie, you wanted to watch it." I pointed out.

   I finally found a way for John to stop looking away. We were half way through the movie, John looked down again,

'Nows my chance' I thought, and so when I lifted his head up, I hid my face in his neck, I could tell he didn't think anything else was going to happen, until I kissed his neck. John immediately turned red, "T-Thomas..?"
"Hm?" I continued to kiss his neck,
'Wait, I'm with John Laurens, the boy that I like, this could be my only chance!' I thought, and I have to admit, drunk me has THE BEST IDEAS!
And so, I lifted my head up, and leaned I for a kiss, he was shocked at first, but eventually melted Into the kiss and kissed me back, KISSED ME BACK!

"We should go to bed," He said once he pulled away, I nodded and said, "Alright, but stay?" I asked. He smiled, "Of course." I smiled too,

So Maybe Something Did Go Wrong..

[A/N]: Sorry I didn't update sooner, I got grounded for no reason and just got my phone back yesterday.

Word count, only story: 293
Word count, story, word count and A/N:327

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