13. Screw off

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Longest chapter.

3 months later.

Lovie's P.O.V

Me, ham, and Jadie were driving to John's apartment, yes we knew that Thomas was there. If he wasn't. John would probably have to drive there since, 1. Alex would want to leave Thomas and 2. He's the only one who knew were his apartment was. I was in the back seat while Jadie was in the passenger seat, which left Alex to drive, "I don't see why I should drive it is your car." Ham argued, "I failed my drivers test" Jadie said as she smirked.

"Can't I drive? So you two would stop yapping." I asked, they both frantically shook their head, I crossed my arms "And why is that??" I asked, "Don't ya remember last time?" Jadie asked.

Flaaaaaaaaaaaaaash Baaaaaaaaaack

I found out about a great ice cream place and wanted to take Ham and Jadie there so I walked to Jadie's house, where we planned to meet up, I greeted her foster parents and rushed to her room were her and Alex were arguing, "I'm just sayin' Leslie should've been president! Not Daveed!" Jadie argued, "But Leslie had no belifes! Daveed had some!" Ham argued back "You're such a Mir--" I cut Jadie off "IIIIIIIICCEEE CREAAAAAM!!!" I shouted they both stood up.
"I need the address so I can drive their," Jadie stated, "You??? driving???? I don't think so, did you even pass your driver's test?" Alex asked, "No, did you?" Jadie asked innocently, as she smirked, "I'll drive..?" I suggested, "You passed?!?!" They both asked, shocked. I nodded, "nobody needs to know..." I mumbled, "What was that?" They both asked "Oh nothing!" I responded sounding innocent, they both shrugged and raced downstairs.

We got into the car, about five minutes later Jadie yelled,"Red! Red! Reeeed! Lovie!" I ignored her, until I saw a car, I turned and hit a tree, we all got out and Jadie and Alex yelled at me, "Lovie!" I held my hands up defensively, I looked behind them, "Ice cream!!"

End of flaaaaaaaaaaaaaash Baaaaaaaaaack

"Oh yeah! Hey! We never got the ice cream!!" I shouted in realisation, "Because we had to flee before they sent a tired senior, a tired pastel junior and a junior who did not pass their drivers test to jail." Jadie said. I sighed as I looked out

^*Time skip brought to you by me needing to edit chapters^*

I saw Thomas and John rush out of the house Jadie turned around "Jeez we could hear you from out here! I think you woke the neighbors" Jadie joked as she smirked and Ham tried not to laugh, but failed, "We didn't do anything! " They both shouted, "You keep telling yourself that " I smirked "They stole your innocence..." Thomas said as he looked down "She once crashed my car into a tree just for ice cream" Jadie said "The hell?" Thomas asked as he put a arm around John "PDA!!!!" I yelled "Lovie you ruined the gay" Jadie complained, I shrugged "No pda around me." Jadie rolled her eyes. Aleccccc (A/N: No regrets) parked the house, Jadie cringed, I could see through her act, "Ew George Fredrick?" I coughed "King" I corrected "That fucker is the king of hell" I coughed again,"His group" I corrected once more, Jadie glared at me, "You f--" Alex turned one the raido to censor her, "What was that my dearest friend?" I asked innocently "I hate you all, you fat mother--"

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