20. Congratulations

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Elizas P.O.V

   I looked up at Thomas, "Eliza.."
I smiled, "Thomas.."

"Hey Eliza?" I looked up at Thomas and smiled, "Yeah?" I asked "I'm so glad I asked you out.."

"Congratulations." I gave him a death glare, "You have invented a new kind of stupid. A damage you could never undo kind if stupid."

"Eliiiiizzzaaaa~~~~" John sang as he sat on my bed, I looked up at the said boy, "Yes?" I asked giggling. John sighed helplessly "I saw a boy..."
"Oooh~~ who is he?" He sighed again, "His name is Thomas Jefferson.." I felt my heart shatter.

"Truley you didn't think this through? Kind of stupid. Lets review, you took a rumor a few maybe two people knew
and refuted it by sharing an affair of which no one has accused you."

"John?" he looked up, "Yeah?" he asked I sat next to him, "Why are you dating Alexander? I thought you liked Thomas?" He sighed, "Thomas friend-zoned me.."

"I begged you to take a break you refused to. So scared of what your enemies will do to you"

"Tho we need to get to thix more houses." Jadie explained I giggled, "You mean so and six?" Jadie pouted, "Thath no fair, I have a lithp." I patted her head, "Don't worry me and Alexander will help you with it"

"Your the only enemy you ever seen to lose to. You know why Hamilton can do what he wants? He doesn't dignify school-yard taunts with a response! So yeah, congratulations!"

"W-What's that?" I asked Thomas Paine, he scoffed and held up the pill, "I've seen the way you look at your sisters. Jealous. Jealous because you aren't popular like them. But this--" he put the pill in my hand, "Can change it. take it with mountain dew."

"Eliza.." He mumbled, I ignored him
"You've redefined your legacy. Congratulations." he spoke up, "IT WAS AN ACT OF SACRIFICE!"

I took the pill. Not knowing what I was going to lose. My sisters. My best friends. And John...John... He was like a brother to me....But it was too late to think of that, for the pill had already been swallowed.

"Sacrifice? Oh Thomas you haven't met sacrifice."
"I left so many I loved for the sake of my best friends heart,"
"I look at you and think 'God what have we done with our lives and what did it get us?" I wiped away my tears, "That doesn't wipe the tears it the years away. Because I'm back as myself and I'm going to stay. And you know what I'm here to do?" I held his hands, "Eliza.." he mumbled..

"I'm not here for you..." I let his hands go, " I know my best friend like I know  my own mind. You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind! And a million years ago he said to me, 'This ones mine.' so I stood by..Do you know why?" I burst into tears, "I love my best friend more than anything in this life! I will choose his happiness over mine! Everytime! John, is the best thing in our lives! So never loose sight of that fact that you have been blessed with the best guy! Congratulations! For the rest of your life...Every 'sacrifice' you make is for my best friend give him the best life" I turned to leave, before I shut the door I yelled,



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