14. You F**ked Up My Life.

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homophobic slurs

(This isn't your usual happy/fluffy (?)chapter, the next few will be serious and have angst, enjoy;) )

Peggy's P.O.V (been a while)

   I was walking with John, Thomas, Angelica, and the Screw Genders crew a.k.a Ham, Jadie, and Lovie. We finally made it to hell. A.k.a school. We all forgot what happened at King's party, except for John, but we chose to not talk about it at school. Right when we entered King was there to greet us. "Oh hey asshole. Remind me from where I know you?" Jadie asked, smirking. I could tell his group was trying not to laugh, "You little son of a--" the bell cut King off. We got lost in the crowd and King couldn't find us, that fool.
    Jadie pulled Thomas aside, I couldn't exactly hear what they said all I heard were the names, 'Sally and Martha'. Jadie then left the campus, I followed her, "So where we off to?" I asked "Aaack!" Jadie yelled as she fell, "The hell Peg?" She asked. I shrugged, "Where you off to??" I asked grinning, "Aren't you supposed to be in class?" She asked, "Oui don't change the subject" I argued. She put her hands up defensively.


It was Lunch and Jadie had introduced me to a small group in there was a girl named Maria, and let me tell you, I fell. As in, fell in love and fell face first, still hurts. Then she introduced me to Sally and Martha. Which is weird since I heard Jadie tell Thomas something about them. Oh well.

■▪□Thomas's P.O.V□▪■

        Although Martha and Sally look stunning, I still got my John. So why would Jadie tell me to stay away from them?

Flaaaaaaaaaaaaaash Baaaaaaaaaack

Jadie pulled me aside to a corner, "Why the hell were you with Sally and Martha this morning?" She asked, sounding pissed, "Why are you asking me now?" I asked, "Thomas don't change the subject!" She yelled, I saw Peggy from  the corner of my eye but ignored her. "They pulled me in the alleyway! I didn't go in" I stated, "Did they try anything?" She asked, "..Yes.." I admitted. "Don't let them get to you. You have John. Stay away from them" Was what she last said before she left.
End of Flaaaaaaaaaaaaaash Baaaaaaaaaack

I picked my food as the S.G (screw Genders) crew sat down. John looked at me worried, "You alright Thomas?" He asked, I smiled and put and arm around him, "Yeah, somethings on my mind, that's all" I assured him, He smiled and put his head on my shoulder, "PDA!!" Lovie gasped, "Oh shush, you're just made you're  single" (sorry if you aren't;-; LfApqueens) John stated, Lovie pouted.

    "Well If it isn't the fags of the school" A dark and annoying voice said behind Jadie, "Fuck off Francis." John said as he glared at him. "Go give your boyfriend a blowjob" Hamilton said turning around. I see Jadie smiling, "Yeah you fucktart." Jadie joined, smirking. Francis clenched his fist, "You stay out of this" He told Jadie, "But why should I?" Jadie asked, "You're a damn girl, faggot! You can't figh-- GET HER OFF ME!" He yelled as Jadie pinned him down, (not in a sexual way, ew) and began to hit him. She didn't stop and we didn't stop her, until his face was purple and he began to bleed and she was getting hurt too, Hamilton and I pulled her off. "And I can't fight? Seems to me that you're the one that can't fight!" Jadie shouted. We left school early.


Jadie's P.O.V☆

     After a while of Thomas, John, Lovie, Hamilton, Peggy, and Angelica getting mad at me for getting into a fight and putting this weird liquid that stings on my cuts, I went out.

      "What the hell?!" I yelled when I got there, " Jadie-" I cut Sally off, "Don't say my name" I said, venom dripping in my voice, "But you liked it when I called you that before." She said, "Yeah Sally, before. Before you started hanging out with these idiots!" I yelled, "Jad--" I cut her off again, "And now you're trying to get with Jefferson? He has a damn boyfriend Sally! Or what do you want to ruin his relationship too?" I shouted, "Jadie please! Hear me out, give me another chance!" She begged, "I did, and you now what you did?"

"You f**ked up my life."


Word count: 739

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