10. Lovie and Jadie

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*~Johns P.O.V*~

I was walking to my apartment holding hands with Thomas, everything went well. I thank Alex for his advice on that. We both finally made it to my apartment and I smiled "Bye Thomas, I'll see you tomorrow" I said, I kissed his cheek and ran off. When I finally made it to my room I began giggling like a middle school girl.

 I then heard someone open the door. I immediately knew who it was, I heard him yell in a high pitch voice when he came in "How was your date, honey", I stopped my self from laughing, "Oh it was great Alex" I said as I turned around, "Dammit!" He yelled, "You sound nothing like my Mom Alex." I admitted, "RuDe!" He screeched "Alex you're making me deaf!" I yelled, "Do not speak to your mother that way, John Laurens!" He said as he tried to sound like my mom. Tried, I rolled my eyes and flopped on my bed, falling asleep. 

Time skip brought to you by...Well me, I am the author..

I woke up by Alex yelling in my ear. What a nice way to wake up! "JOOOOOOHNN JEFFERSON!" I groaned, "It's Laurens.." I said, "No JEFFERSON!" I fell on the floor once I realized what he meant. "ALEX!!" I  yelled at him, "What? What did I do???" I rolled my eyes and hid my red face 'John Jefferson...That sounds nice..' I thought. 

But of course they were interrupted by Alex, "Hey Thomas, John Jefferson sounds nice right? John agrees." He said I looked up and saw Alex with my phone "I didn't say anything! I mean it might. I mean! ALEX!"I yelled "Quit torturing my Jackie." I heard Thomas say but his voice came from the door. I looked at Alex, "You left the door opened." "I left the door opened." He jumped off my bed and left, "Welp have fun! And If you two have a child name it Alex!" I heard him say as he left the house. 

Hamilton's P.O.V

I sat down at Yogurtland waiting for two certain girls, "I'm telling you Jeremy and Micheal are both gay for each other! Jeremy just won't admit it!" Ah speaking of the two devils. "Hey hammie ham" I heard Lovie say, "Hey Lovie, Hey Jadie" I greet them, "Soooooo....Ice cream?" I heard Jadie ask. I smirk and nod.

 I met Jadie in History, she was advanced in it, thanks to Miranda the musical, and since there were not any honors she just joined senior history, then we had a project together and began to be friends, I met Lovie when they were walking to her class but Jadie was chasing someone because they had her glasses, and bumped into them. Then we became a trio.

 Jadie always wore black round glasses,her hair either down with a alien headband, or in a messy bun, she always had jeans that were ripped by the knees and a pastel pink,purple, and blue sweater. Someties when it was too hot she had it around her waist and wore a t-shirt that had the same shades but it said 'smol bisexual pastel child'she also wore converse. Lovie had poofy black hair, shorter than me and Jadie. They wore a off the shoulder sweater and a lace shirt under, along with jeans and converse. 

Once we got our ice cream and sat down Jadie asked, "So hows John Jefferson and Thomas Laurens?", "Yeah I want to know too! I better be the flower pal" Lovie said as they used their spoon as a sword, "So far so good. Don't spoon me young junior" I responded. After a bit of talking and eating, we left Jadie decided to get a slushie on the way since she is obsessed with Heathers. We were on the car ride home when Jadie said in a serious tone "Guys..", We both responded at the same time "Yeah?" Jadie said "They are giving out free slushies at 7 eleven..TODAY." Fun fact we all love slushies, Heathers, and free stuff. "They are extra large! But.. Only one per group..." She said, sounding sad at the end. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" We all yelled. "Do Thomas and John like slushies?" Lovie asked.  "Not as much..."

Timeskip brought to you by a song of slushies.

We all ended up getting slushies, "Oh yeah Thomas, John, these are my two friends. Pastel here is in junior, but goes to senior history." I said pointing to Jadie, "My friend girl version of Thomas Jefferson  met us because Pastel was trying to get her glasses because she couldn't see shit. And Pastel bumped into them." 

"John, Thomas, meet---"

"Lovie and Jadie"

W.C: 788
W.C's & story: 793

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