12. Bad Influence

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*Thomas' P.O.V*

I stared at the pastel child, "What the fuck do you mean Eliza?" Hamilton yelled as he banged his fist on the table, "Ham language!" Lovie shouted, "Yeah Ham, and you were on the floor remember? Some idiots pushed you and kept you down, when they let you go, Eliza was gone." Jadie explained, John was looking down.

 "Wow, this is gonna be some useful information!" I heard Peggy say, wait..Peggy? "ack!" I saw that Jadie fall off the chair  "How the--" I was cut off by Peggy "Looking for these?" She asked as she threw me my house keys "How the fu--" Hamilton cut me off  "No cursing." I turned to him, "Oh fuck you." He pretended to be offended "How da--" He was cut off by John, "Stop fighting." John said. Peggy ate a strawberry,"What's with the cutting off?" She asked,we all shrugged. Peggy continued to eat strawberrys, " And you are...?" Lovie asked, curious on who the two girls were, "Peggy and Angelica. " Peggy said. Angelica raised a brow, "I thought it was 'And Peggy'?" She asked "Fuck off." 

*.:Timeskip brought to you by the fact that Wendys has a Wattpad account.:*

Everyone left a while ago, right now it was just me and John, he leaned on my shoulder, "Tired?" I asked, he nodded in response. I picked him up bridal style and laid him down on the couch. I kissed his forehead and he feel asleep. I decided to go outside. 

I was walking calmly until I heard a familiar voice,
"I don't have it..." 
"Well ya better have it tomorrow." 
"Fuck yo--"
"Aw and I can't say bad words?" I cut Jadie off, "Ohh who's this?" I heard A blonde hair girl say, "fuck off Martha, he has a damn boyfriend." Jadie hissed.  Martha rolled her eyes, "Sally was gonna steal him anyways." She scoffed, "hey!" I heard a young girl shout, she had brown hair and a light brown skin tone. "You sure are taking your damn time to look at 'em" Jadie said, "jeez sorry." I held my hands up defensively, "So you gonna tell us your name, or...?" A guy that looked around my age asked, "Fuck off Charles." Martha hissed at the boy, "Right..Thomas Jefferson." I said, "kay, everyone knows each other!" Jadie sarcastically said, "let go." She said as she walked off as I followed behind her, "No questions will be answered." Jadie sweetly said. I looked at her confused. I shook my head, 

"Just don't hang out with them, they seem like a bad influence, kid."

"I'm a damn year younger then you."


Word count: 437

A/N: I liiiiiiiiiiiiive

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