16. if only he knew

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Thomas P.O.V

John came back today. Jadie doesn't know what happened that day. Nobody does, they'll know soon enough though... I can't keep this damn thing a secret anymore. I looked at John sleeping in my arms. He looked so peaceful and happy...How can I do this to him? We were fine! We didn't argue, we didn't have a problem at all..So why did I do it? Why do I do this to me? To John? To us. I look at the time 3:49 AM . John began to move and before I could he react I heard a mumble, "Thommy...?" I looked down at John as I played with his hair, "Yeah Jackie?"
"It's late."
"Yeah it is..."
"Go to sleep then.."
"I will.."
"I love you.." I teared up, thank god he had his eyes closed since there were candles lit on every table if he opened his eyes he would've seen I were crying, "I-I love you too.." He whispered, "Thommy?"
"Yeah?" I responded, "You won't ever cheat on me.. Right?"


If only he knew.


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