The Bond-2.1

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Its quite needless to say that Sara took out all the anger she felt from mama's scolding on me. She is my sister alright , but she can act like an angry tigress, protecting her cubs, when she wants. It is usually me who she targets in those rages of hers.

Once she started shouting, I started dikr. By the time she calmed down I'm quite sure I had recited 'Astaghfirullah' at least 1k times. Seriously, her rampage took so long to finish at times. Haha! There Sara, my darling I just compared you to kyuubi (from naruto)

"If you tell on me again Fati, I won't let you off so easy." Done with her pushing and punching she had moved onto threats now.

"Sara I am in no mood to fight or argue even, for the matter. So can we do this some other time" I told her glancing at my watch. It was time that I started working on my assignment. Besides, I was loosing my cool now. I didn't want to say anything I'd regret later on.

"Sure, I'm sick of your face too."

She spat the words at my face. I audibly signed and gave her a tired look, before heading towards my room. I felt very tired from our argument, and figured it'd be nearly impossible to study before relaxing myself with a hot, bubbly bath.

I unpinned my hijab and literally threw it on the bed. The pins I stuck back into their stand. I selected my favorite parrot green pajamas and turned on the tap. It took around five minutes for the hot water to begin flowing.

After the bath, I checked the time it was five pm. OK so I had five hours to study, considering I had to leave the house at 10:00pm for the taraweeh prayers. Alright time to get busy doll, I told myself. They were going to be very long five hours, indeed. I glanced at the clock once more before finally starting the assignment.


Chapter 2 end ^.^

Authors note:

Assalamualakum everyone!

Happy Ramadan!

This part has a continuation in the next one so read on.

please vote,comment and follow!!

Jazakallahu khairan!!!!


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