Fatima's horror-part 3 >.0

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Le authors notee:

Aoa lovelies<3<3<<33

This chapter is dedicated to I_am_pakistan for providing me with a list of Insreali products to avoid.Jazakallahu khairan Asma:**:*:**::**I am placing it at the end of this chapter.plz don't buy these products everyone plzplzpzlzpzl!!!!






Sara had slept again leaving me to my thoughts.I had wanted to stay overnight with Sars today.Our brother was coming back from the US,done with the third and last year of his bachelors and so my parents had gone back home to get everything ready.

I got up and locked the door,and came back onto the sofa.I could not sleep.My mind was too tangled up in the remembrance of my past to relax.I let my eye-lids cover my eyes as my brain rushed to the past yet again.


Previously on "To heal a dying heart"

"They will turn me into a criminal tomorrow.The baggage will contain some drug and they want me to take it to some country tomorrow."She shouted through heart breaking sobs.Bringing her mouth to my ears,the next thing she whispered left me speechless!!

"I have a plan.Don't worry.The second lady,Miss.Ayesha she.....

Read on :D

"I have a plan don't worry.The second lady Miss.Ayesha she just gave me a piece of paper........

She wants us to make our escape tomorrow night.This room has a hole,they observe us through it.......

But can't listen if we whisper low enough.Now join me in my sobs and make yourself look pitiful."

Mahra conveyed her message with long pauses in between each sentence,so as to evade suspicion.She could be a professional actress.I tried to copy her as much as I could.

A twenty to thirty minutes water-works-session later we got down onto our sides,facing each other.

"So let me into tomorrow's plan.let's plan out each second.I am a black belt so can take down a few of them."I stated hoping it would help her feel better.Much against my expectation I found her giving me a skeptical look.

"How did they kidnap you in the first place,then?Don't underestimate them uh-umm?!"

"Fatima"I helped her continue.

"Uh yes Fatima,don't und-est that fat woman you saw yesterday.I know you are tough because you didn't flinch even after receiving that horrible kick.But still man,we have to be super prudent."

I nodded my yes and turned around so that my face now faced the ceiling.The fan looked as if it hadn't been cleaned in ages.It was producing the most horrible sound as it swung round and round,making me remember the oscillation experiment I had performed in my Alevels.Yupp I have a science background from A.S,though I switched my subjects in A2 to commerce.

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