Mahra-enters ^.^

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Dedicated to Thequeenofdarkness <3 love the way she writes:*::**::**

I smiled as the person turned towards me.My smile froze as I glanced at the persons face.Advancing his hand towards me,smiling,showcasing his pretty,pearly whites was;Borkan Al Gala!!!My heart almost stopped as he took my hand in his and shook it.

Sayy whattt??!!!! He was a guy I should snatch my hand back at once.But it felt so nice and soft and...girly??!

What the??!!and why was Borkan's voice so girly and why the hell was he asking me to wake up.

"WAKE UP!!SLEEPY PUPPY!!"Ughh!!?Dang it ,it wasn't no Borkan at all.Api,yeah just api shouting her head off,trying to wake me up.I was back in the world of the living and sure enough it was she holding my hand.No wonder Borkan's hand felt so soft.

"You are still hard to wake."Api remarked.

"Like yes dude its just been a year since you..err moved out."

"OK now sit up straight and put on your hijab,Mustafa wants to come in and meet you."

"Sure but has Zain arrived yet?"I enquired about our brother.

"You'll see."She replied shortly, flashing me an enigmatic smile.Anything but the enigma man,anything!!!!Api has her super annoying modes and the 'enigma mode',is the worst of them.I responded with a what I supposed to be an innocent look.Handing me my hijab she left the room.I put it on tightly and waited.

A few minutes later I heard a knock.

"Come in."I spoke out and in stepped Mustafa bhai.I greeted him and he came over and gave me a pat on the head,making me smile.I looked up and saw my Zain standing at the door with a banquet of red roses in his hand- my favourite!

I squealed like a school girl and opened up my arms wide.He moved back and talked to someone behind him ,then turned back to me.

"Princess there's someone I want you to meet."As he spoke a lady stepped forward.She was wearing a pink skirt and a white blouse with a cream-coloured hijab.Smiling she and Zain moved towards me.I smiled at her,while I wrapped up my bro in a bear hug,kissing him on both cheeks.He stepped back and planted a kiss on my forehead before moving back.

I turned my attention towards the girl. She had hazel eyes ,a small nose and reddish-pink plump lips.She looked as if she'd just stepped out of vogue-a real beauty.Before I could ask who she was,I heard Fatima shout our brother's name.

"ZAIN!ZAIN!"She ran into the room.I saw her freeze at the door,she'd turned real pale. Her eyes opened wide, she stared at the girl standing near me as if she were a ghost.

"Mahra"She uttered, her voice barely above a whisper.

The girl had a similar reaction if not worse for she placed her hand on my shoulder to keep herself steady."Fatima"Mahra said ,staring at my sister.I wanted answers but I shut my mouth as I saw Fatima's feet give away beneath her.


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