Tears of an angel </3

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  • Dedicated to Izzah Afzal

1 year and a few months ago:


Jamshaid had just gotten home after dropping Fatima and Mrs.Khan. He gave the kids some food and settled onto the bed with his iPad. He had to sign a new contract tomorrow. His secretary had just mailed him the minutes of the previous meeting.

He didn't mind the delay, for he knew his secretary's wife was sick .So it was understandable. He still couldn't figure out why Ali( his secretary) had refused his offer of a leave.

The kids had been 'kind enough'( note the sarcasm) to stay out of his room ,while he worked. They were getting naughtier by the day. His mother had pressed him, more than once after Meha's death to remarry. Both times he had declined. Nobody could replace Meha!

He heard the sound of little feet. Please kids wait just a bit more! He silently pleaded. But today was certainly not his day for soon Rubab's wavy brown hair could be seen. She stepped inside hoping to be cuddled. Her uncle feigned to be oblivious of her presence.

At first she lightly coughed to draw his attention. That didn't work. She wrinkled her tiny nose. She was certainly not used to being ignored! Oh she didn't want to draw his attention. Surely it was superfluous! He must know it automatically without her having to say so! She huffed and puffed! Her tiny chest rose and fell with indignation!

" Oh uncle! Do you not love me anymore?!"

She finally spoke out. Tears glistened in her big, hazel eyes. Jamshaid was quick to gather her tiny form into his arms. He hugged her tight. He cursed himself under his breath. Now he had done it! Rubab wasn't one to forgive you so easy.

" Do forgive me, my sweet! I was absorbed in my work."

He tried to coax her. But to no avail. Soon her shrieks filled the air. He caught a " I miss mama" and a "you don't love me" here and there ,the rest of her angry howls were incomprehensible!

He stepped out of his room. Where was the housekeeper when you needed her? Soon he heard the Maghrib Azaan. He relaxed. The Azaan always calmed Rubab. She quieted down trying to repeat after the moazin.

Jamshaid helped her. After the Azaan he helped her change into her 'prayer clothes'. That would be an addition of an adorable little hijab to cover the darling waves.( oh I so wanna hug her :*:*)

The housekeeper had helped Talha change into his. They did their wudu(ablution) together and went towards the prayer room. ( wow rich Muslims even have prayer rooms :D)

They tried their best to follow their uncle through the namaz.

He smiled at their attempts. After the prayer they sat together and prayed for 'Meha' and all other human beings who were no longer alive. They prayed for the Muslims of 'Gaza' and all other Muslims and non-muslims being oppressed.

He was clear in making them understand that Allah(swt) wanted them to love every human being. Whether Muslim or not they were not to hurt anyone. After dinner he tugged them into their beds. Kissing them goodnight he went back to his work.



Fatima was ready for another day at the daycare. She glanced at her reflexion. Her hijab was a dark-brown colour and her jilbab light-brown. Her face ,as usual was free of any makeup. She didn't even use a concealer or base.

She wouldn't be bothered about that. Her brain just followed and understood one rule. If a face was clean-it was beautiful. A Muslim who offers the five obligatory prayers daily can hardly be unclean. Of course that is if the ablution is done properly.

She grabbed her purse and in ten minutes found the door of a 'BMW M5' being opened for her. Muttering a 'Jazakallah' she got inside. She found Mehr to be quite comfortable with the 'guy'.

She addressed him as 'baita'(son) and got addressed back as 'aunty'. His mother was Mehr's friend she got told. Not that she was interested. She felt devoid of emotion and impatiently waited for the white building to appear.

She hopped out and almost ran towards her angels ,on reaching. Rubab and Talha were already inside the 'Play room'( the room with the gigantic racks :D) They smiled at her and said their salaams. Replying with a salaam of her own she hugged them both.

Today she wanted to teach them the 'origami envelope'. They hadn't been able to do the pentagonal-box so Fatima had decided on an easier thing for today. She took up the A-4 sized coloured page and folded it in half.

She showed them how it would come out real neat if they placed the top two corners over the bottom two. She smiled when they tried to copy her. The table was small enough for her to reach across it. Their janU(darling) little hands grabbed at the papers with determination.

After more than just a few failed attempts they finally got a hang of it. Earning them a peck each from Fatima. She guided them through each new fold with patience. By the time of the Zuhr salaat the envelopes were finished and looked perfect!

Again the huggable darlings tried their best to copy her<3 After the prayer she hugged them both real tight. Her heart felt so peaceful. It had been such a good boy!(haha!)



I felt super cozy after such a long time. Not that I didn't enjoy uncle Jamshaid's hugs. But Fatima baji was different ,she reminded me of mama. I held her even after she had straightened up. She hugged me to her again. I felt my tears. Ya Allah! Am I crying in front of her??!

I don't want her to know that I love her already. I showed mama that I loved her to bits and what did she do? She left me! I won't be hurt again! Uncle Jamshaid is enough for me! But why won't these stupid hands leave her? Why are these stupid tears still flowing! Oh Allah please give me strength!

I heard Talha calling me. But I was too comfy to pay attention to anyone. I felt Fatima sitting down. She held my six-year old body against hers, like a baby! I threw my arms around her neck and buried my face into her chest. She felt so like mama! The tears led to sobs and I felt my shoulders shake.

I heard voices all around me. It was Talha calling me. Mam.Jasmine was there too. Mehr aunty's soothing voice could be heard as well. I ignored all until my ears caught uncle Jamshaid's voice. His strong, kind voice brought me back to the world of the living! I reluctantly let go of Fatima baji's soft neck. I quickly kissed her smooth cheek before letting her put me down.

Uncle Jamshaid was standing there with his arms open wide. I was still angry about yesterday ,so I stood still and looked down. I saw Fatima baji stepping away from me. I felt my uncle's hands around me, not long after.

I cried and struggled.

" Uncle I don't want you! Bring me my mama!"

I shouted like an ungrateful, spoilt child. Mama had called me that once. I immediately regretted my outburst.

" I'm sorry! Don't leave me like mama."

I pleaded in Italian. I couldn't let anybody know how vulnerable I felt. Talha already knew so it was OK if he understood me.

" I will never leave you, my sweet!"

Uncle excused himself and took me to his office. I couldn't stop crying. What if uncle stopped loving me? I had Allah! Yes I have Allah ! How could I feel alone when I have Allah!? I quieted down.

" I have Allah." Without knowing I spoke out loud.

" Yes Ruby, my sweet you have Allah! You have me and Talha."

" And I have Fatima baji! Uncle she won't leave me like mama right??" Rubab

" of course she won't darling!" Jamshaid.

I relaxed. Uncle Jamshaid recited surah Mariam in his deep voice and soon I relaxed against his chest completely. I felt myself drifting and soon dozed off.


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