Shattering dreams- Sara's POV </3

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ΔΔ Dr.Asher §§

He was satisfied with Fatima's progress. She hadn't reacted badly at all. He threw her outburst during the drive to the daycare, out the window. Minor details could be condoned. Besides it was only the first day. 

He had done his homework well. The board of directors wanted an insight into his methods today. He had planned his speech down to the last word. A thirty minute speech was all they had allowed him. He shrugged off his annoyance at the time limit. Surely they didn't think his methods would be so devoid of details.

He knew if he made a proper start and they found it promising , the time limit would be condoned. Keeping this in mind he had planned all he wanted to say. They always ended up making extra allowances for him. He smirked. Thanking Allah for his handsome face. No matter how much we try to deny it beautiful faces are everyone's weakness :D

He began with explaining her condition. Patients like her had a very vulnerable heart. It over-reacted. Forcing the patient into a turmoil. With their emotions all over the face. Their heart beat accelerated without warning; putting them up against a huge risk of a heart-attack.

Mrs.Khan was led into the hall after he gave his hour-long speech. He presented her as a witness. She told the directors she saw promise in his work. Fatima was no where near as shattered as she had been on the first day.

Not once had she screamed since he had taken over. Her attempts towards harming herself were becoming less frequent by the passing day. The directors questioned her to no end. It was a matter of prestige to the hospital. He was to present the case to the annual doctor's meeting.

That was 'IF' Fatima healed or improved drastically in 3 months time. That was all the time he had till the present year's meeting. He smiled displaying his pearly whites. That was all the time he would need! In shaa Allah!!


~Back to the present~

Sara's POV:

Zain had asked the whole family to gather into his room. I stifled a yawn as I looked at my bro. He was looking extremely uneasy. What is his problem? I wondered. He has been acting all funny since Mahra and he had come home from the US. A week had gone by since Eid. Mahra has been staying over. Fatima brushed away all her attempts towards paying for staying over.

OK back to Zain and his idiocy now. Like common why didn't he feel nervous when giving speeches or hosting events. He made both seem as if they were a piece of cake. What a laugh </3

N here he was acting all nervous with only his family ,a cousin(my missay) and Mahra( I don't know how to refer to her :p) OK we can refer to Mahra as Fatima's BF( again I have Hania stuck somewhere in my head :p) ,staring at him.






He looked at mom and baba. They looked just as bewildered as I felt.

" Mom n baba. I have to s-say someth-thing very important. I hope you guys will hear me out and react as well as Api did."

Oh so Api already knew the reason behind all-all this. I looked at Api she had a very solemn expression on her face. This wasn't going to be a very good announcement. Their faces made me feel the unruly butterflies dive for the walls of my stomach. I was getting nervous too. I licked my dry lips. Get it out and over with Zain. I thought. I can't take the DARN suspense any longer.

As if on cue, Zain spoke out.

" Mama,Baba! Mahra is my wife."

I almost chocked on my own spit. His words came as a bad,cruel joke clawing at my heart. I felt mama thumping on my back to get the breathing back to normal. Zain leaped to my side. His eyes begged me. Asking me to accept his announcement. I broke away my arms from his hands. I saw the smile on Fatima's lips. Sure you are happy in contrast I felt super angry. I had wanted a certain BF as my sister-in-law.









I felt a strong hatred towards Mahra. Not only would my brother's love be divided it would also be directed towards somebody other than my BF. I felt super jealous and angry. My brain told me I was being unreasonable but my heart told it to shut the f**k up. I stormed towards my room and closed the door behind me with a thud.

My heart was a mess. I needed the Quran real bad. It is so hard to understand. Despite all my bad ways my heart only finds comfort in Allah's words. My hands grabbed at my tablet roughly.

I opened my gallery. Soon the air filed with the mesmerizing recitation of a 7-year old angel. He is an Arab darling child. The video shows him reciting surah Ya seen ;the 36th Surah of the noble Quran.

Surah Ya Seen, Verse 1:

Ya Seen.
(English - Shakir)

via iQuran

Surah Ya Seen, Verse 2:
وَالْقُرْآنِ الْحَكِيمِ

I swear by the Quran full of wisdom
(English - Shakir)

via iQuran

He stopped at the 12th ayat.

Surah Ya Seen, Verse 12:
إِنَّا نَحْنُ نُحْيِي الْمَوْتَىٰ وَنَكْتُبُ مَا قَدَّمُوا وَآثَارَهُمْ وَكُلَّ شَيْءٍ أَحْصَيْنَاهُ فِي إِمَامٍ مُّبِينٍ

Surely We give life to the dead, and We write down what they have sent before and their footprints, and We have recorded everything in a clear writing.
(English - Shakir)

via iQuran

I set the video on replay and listening to it I felt myself drifting until I did dose off.


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