Blond, Arab-Jerk >.<

148 4 2

Le authoresses note:

Arab people r awesome not jerks @ all.

Me relating to my close pal brown-eyed-nerd is just us sharing a jOke.








It's been two-weeks since GM passed away. Two long weeks, full of tears and sufferings! I have now accepted the fact that she is indeed gone. All her clothes have been given away to the poor.

But I have kept her shawl, her slippers and her stick. I sleep with her shawl underneath my pillow. I use her slippers nOw. They're a tad bit big but who cares. Her stick I have kept in Baba's room. He smiled at me when I placed it in there. I have also kept her Itar bottles. They're all mine, I don't share them with anyone!

I'm going to college now. Roots is the one, did I mention that before? No? Well, too bad. I have put on an 'Origin's' shirt, it's yellow and HOT. Haha! don't get the wrong idea its very modest, thank you!

I never wore revealing clothes even when I and Talal went to dances. I have put on loose leggings, its all black. Two hijabs one red, the other yellow, I have criss-crossed em on the crown of my head. And I have created three to four layers at the back. All set!

'Zain I'm ready lets go!' I shouted to Zain. I glanced at my cell.


Perfect the F2 class starts at 10:00am. I whispered to myself. I entered the college 30 minutes later. Said my salaam to the gatekeeper uncle and went towards my class.


I greeted mam Mehreen. She's so cute! Seriously, she looks younger than the students!

'Waalaikum Assalaam! Sara, where is Hina? She's late again!'

Mam looked angry. I awwed at her in my brain. She looks cute even when she's angry!

'I'll give her a text right away, mam.'

I flashed her a smile and started texting Hina.

'Where da fish r U?  >.< Everybody's already here! Another five minutes and mam will lock the door!'

'Fish, stall her Sars. My stupid bro overslept!'

'Sure thing, babe!'

I took out my F2 book.

'Mam there are a few concept I am doubtful about, can I discuss em right now, please?' I made a puppy-dog face. Haha :D

'Of course! Ask away.'

I stalled mam for 10 minutes, long enough for Hina to make her entry. She got scolded of course! But didn't miss a thing. Flashing me a thankful smile, she placed her butt on the seat I had saved for her.

On the way home, I groaned. Heaps n heaps of homework. I used to think that once I'd enter college, the homework load would decrease. But SubhanAllah!! was I wrong. I skimmed through the stuff we had studied that day.Yeah im a nerd, got a prob wid dat?:p

I got home, grabbed an apple from the fridge n poured myself a glass of milk.


I heard mom's shout from her room.


I shouted back. I heard footsteps, darn it! Was mama coming to force me into it?? I glanced at the kitchen door, anxiously. I let out da breath I'd been holding, as I saw Talal enter.

Wait! Whaaattt da????

I choked on the milk I'd been drinking. It escaped my mouth, making a tiny puddle on the table. I heard him chuckle.


I shouted at him. Yeah all Arab guys are Jerks(brown-eyed-nerd was so right -.-)

Zain entered and clapped  the exceedingly irritating, blond-haired, muscular n Tall Jordanian, Arab jerk on his back. I got up and made a dash for the door. Zain grabbed my arm.

'Sara stay' Stay? Do I look like a dog? I glared at Zain.

'What is it?' I spoke with irritation, clear in my voice. I was anxious to get into my bed.

'Talal has something to say.'

I glared at Talal.

'What is it?'

The Blonde jerk was looking nervous. This wasn't a good sign. The last time I'd seen a guy nervous, I had had a shock.

'Save it.'

I snapped at him, pushed past Zain and ran up the stairs, to my room. I locked the door behind me. The jerks could enjoy each others company. I was in no mood for another shock. I changed into my PJ's and grabbed the F2 book and started the 'accounting for Inventory' chapter. 


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