A part of me

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Sara's point of view:

A sharp, agonizing pain woke me from my slumber.I winced as realisation hit me,it was the pain from the needle the doctor or nurse was busily forcing into my skin.


I wanted to stop him/her.My vision was hazy and unclear.Plus I had a splitting headache.Why the hell was it taking so long!?I wondered.I wanted to slap the person flat across the face.But had no energy-I felt empty and worn out.Like I'd been working myself sick.

Finally the person stopped messing around with my hand and placed it on something soft.Must be a pillow I thought.I couldn't make out for my mind was getting all fussy again.I gave up on the guess work and felt darkness surround and suppress me once again.


Fatima's point of view:

Done with praying,I got up and folded the prayer mat.Hugging it to myself I turned around.I saw Sara standing against the sliding doors.She was staring wildly infront of her,lost in thought.She had the prayer mat gripped tightly in her hands.The force had turned her knuckles white.Placing my prayer mat on the table ,I quickly trotted towards her.Listening to her call herself useless and all alone pulled a nerve.

"No you are not"I shouted to her,the next second she fell into my arms.I hugged her to me kissing her face.It took me a minute to take in the fact that she was unconscious.Sitting down I craddled her head in my lap.I had to call mom and dad,but didn't want to leave her alone.So I decided to shout to grab their attention.

"Mama!!Baba!!Please come to the drawing room"I shouted at the top of my lungs.Thankfully they heard me and came.

"What happened"They asked together.Seeing Sara lying limply beside me had startled them.

"She's fine ,just unconscious"I tried to reassure them.Dad stepped forward and took up Sara into his arms.Mama had run towards her room.She returned with the keys of dads car and a shawl for Sara.

"Wrap it around her quickly"She instructed me before running back towards her room again.We headed towards the car and mama joined us a few minutes later,now wearing her hijab and jilbab.

On the way to the hospital no one talked.We got Sara admitted and dad called the family doctor,"Dr.Asher'.Dad made me and mama sit inside the waiting room while he handled everything.

I made mama sit and went to the cafeteria to buy some water for her.On returning I saw that she had her hands raised and was praying,her eyes closed.I sat down and placed the bottle on the table in front of me.Closing my eyes I too began to pray for Sars.


Aoa lovelies!
So its almost ten n I'm bout ta sleep
yeah ACCA is doing whatever it can to eat me up haha its a monster alright.

I could not believe it when I saw 17 votes on my story yesterday! Seriously dudes it made me so happy cuxz I wasn't expecting so many of them !!!


I love u all for da sake of Allah!!

plz pray for da ppl of Gaza n stay away from Israeli products such as coca cola, Pepsi,etc n let me know what other Israeli products to avoid





It means a LOT



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