Fatima and Me-So crazy lOl

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I woke up to find my parents towering over me whilst no sign of Fatima caught my eye.I winced as the hundredth needle-thing was forced into my vein.(OK I might be exaggerating a little there)

These doctors were such a pain,I made a mental note not to marry one,ever.Unlike a certain best friend I had ,fantasized. Lolx<3

Where the hell was Fatima I wondered,too tired to voice my thoughts.I pressed the button to move up the bed a little,and sure enough I caught a glimpse of her.

"Earth to Fatima!!"I croaked,shocked at how hoarse my voice was.It still thankfully brought her out of her trance.For she looked up and gave me a slight smile.

"What's up with the half-hearted smile?"I croaked yet again with a goofy grin pasted onto my face.

"Would you believe,if she didn't have that annoying tint to her voice,that she'd just gotten out of a fainting-business?"Fatima questioned our parents.They just smiled and held onto my hands,mama my right and baba my left.

"Sheesh,you guys haha I feel like a toddler again."I squealed at my parents,hoping they'd let go of my hands.But no way was that gonna happen.Instead mama kissed my hand and rubbed it against her soft cheek.

"Aww!!Our baby girl is being pampered!I wish Borkan Al Gala was here to see this."Fatima teased.

"Who's this Borkan-etc?I hope he's not a guy."Dads head shot up with a jerk,and he questioned Fatima with a stern look on his face.Ha!She deserved it!Good luck getting out of this one babe!I stuck out my tongue at her,showing her that I won't be helping her out of this one.

"Of course not daddy.Its a fictional character from a cartoon movie."Fatima said,and smiled nonchalantly.

"OK"Dad said,still not convinced.Mom came to our rescue and said that I should be left alone to rest.I murmured a yes and moved the bed fully horizontal again.I closed my eyes as our parents stepped out and Fatima went towards the nearby sofa.I chuckled softly before letting sleep take over me.

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