Confronting Sara-continued ^.^

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Sara's point of view:

Seriously man she didn't have to cry just because the doctor prescribed more medicines! It had to be something else,she was holding back,not being open with me.

"Fati,stop with the water works!"I spoke forcefully, making her cry more.Sheesh,I always feel very awkward when someone decides to break down infront of me.Like how am I supposed to calm them down dude!So awkward!

"Fatayy!Ugh dont be such a pain dude,cut it out"Ofcourse my out burst didn't work and so hesitantly, I moved forward and gave her an awkward hug.That did the trick,for her shaking stopped and she leaned onto my shoulder,her eyes closed.

"Jazakallahu khairan,baby sis!"She gave me a weak smile.I thanked Allah for the end of the awkward crying session.She finally pulled away and gave me one of her looks.Her looks were very bewildering and left me irritated.

There was nothing negative about those looks actually except they always came before she wanted to discuss 'religion' with me.Well I'm not the worst Muslim out there OK?!But I have a messed up past and it doesn't help much that I hang out with my non-muslim friends mostly.

I don't pray regularly,and miss the 'Isha' prayer on purpose.I do a few things that I shouldn't and feel that the little voice inside me that stops me from sinning is now becoming distant.I know my heart is dead,I wonder if I'm amongst the people who see guidance but are still blind towards it.Well I swear every Ramadan that I will turn a new leaf,but a few days is how long the resolve lasts.

I guess she noticed the irritated look on my face and just asked me to go do the wudu(ablution) and bring along ,The Quran.I did what she asked.

"Now sit beside me and I want you to recite surah Nisa for me"I began reciting and she commented on my pronunciation here and there,until I finished reciting the surah.

"Can I recite my favorite surah now?"I asked her like a child.

"Close the Quran and then recite,you know it by heart right?"I did what I was told,but this time she didn't have to correct any pronunciation errors.Surah Naba is my absolute fav,having listened to its recitation many times I make no mistakes now.

"Sara,you are such a good person kido.You only have a very few things in you that you need to amend."I was expecting she'd bring this up.Unexpectedly,though I felt no anger at her. She didnt know me and so she said what she said.The two years she had spend away from home,she didn't know a thing about what all I did.

I should probably tell her,"Fatima,that isn't the truth.I am no where near being a good person.I have a past you know nothing about. Not you,not api,nor our parents-nobody knows."

She looked unmoved by my little speech, like it didn't matter at all,the past that is.

"It doesn't matter,having accepted that you did something wrong,you have already taken the first step towards setting everything right.Allah forgives those who sincerely ask for His forgiveness.Make good use of Ramadan,Sars."She felt no need to ask me about what I had done,wasn't she interested?I wondered.

I couldn't read anything but love and hope on Fatima's face.She resembles api a lot.I knew I couldn't refuse her,but I knew this would just be another one of those futile attempts.I ignored all awkwardness I was feeling and placed my head on her lap.Before ,I knew it I 

was fast asleep.


Chapter 6 end^.^

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