Sins and Us-Fatimas POV :/

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Is it just me or are all accounts teachers handsome?Don't get me wrong people I am not a weirdo and so don't stare the hell out of my teachers!But like seriously man,I was in the fourth year of bachelors and this person has got to be my tenth accounts teacher and he too is handsome.

I groaned loudly,making many heads turn my way.I didn't care I felt annoyed,I wanted an old ugly teacher for once!Accounts??Why you do this to me??

OK this is just plain weird Fatima!Your baby sis fainted yesterday and look at you thinking about weird stuff, today!Have some sense for crying out loud! This was all stupid ,it was HARAAM!!I tried to shrug away my annoyance as the hunk of a teacher started the lecture.I signed this would be another long ,long year.

Oh you little sinner you see why Islam orders you to lower your gaze!I suppose it is all to save us all from this annoying,disturbing feeling.He might be married for crying out loud!Might be??No he must be?!

"Miss Fatima!",A stern voice ruthlessly dragged me out of my thoughts.It took me a while to realise that it was 'The new teacher',addressing me.

"Yes sir"I feebly replied, staring at my notebook ,it felt as if he would know what was going through my mind if I looked up.I wondered how Sir knew my name.

"Please, repeat the concept I just explained"He motioned for me to come towards the blank board.He had been quick in erasing it all,he clearly knew that I wasn't paying attention before.

"The whole class gets detention if you are unable to give an adequate explanation."That made all my classmates groan out loud.He talked about adequate explanation?! Ha!I didn't even know what to explain.Well I didn't have a choice,did I now?

I recited astaghfirullah and Bismillah under my breath.Then I started off explaining the 'Duality Concept".Like hell,you idiot I face palmed myself in my brain.Why would he be teaching 'Duality thing' to the fourth year baclors students??!!

But I continued on still.Once done I turned around.

"Well done Miss.Fatima,even though I don't think this is an Alevel class,that I would be teaching duality.But you explained it well.So I will go easy on you.Only you get detention and have to treat the class to whatever is agreed on."Cheers erupted,in contrast to the former groans.

He called that going easy?What a laugh.He was a stern one alright.Arguing would be fruitless.With a yes,ok as an answer I went back to my seat and he resumed with the lecture.And this time I paid attention for good!


Authors Note:



Just put in this chap to depict that nobody's perfect. We all sin day in and day out.

The right thing is to put in effort to regulate the five prayer each day,and to try our best to stay away from even the minor sins,like looking at the Na-Mehram men.This ones real hard for me because I have always looked people square in the eyes when I talk to them.

But everything should be done for the sake of Allah!!

Make good use of Ramadan,we are all sinners.But let's not let this fact stop us from trying to improve.For Allah is the ever-forgiving-The Merciful.

please remember me in yr prayers!!

Jazakallahu Khairan!





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