Fatima's horror-FLASHBACK Part 2

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So verily, along with every hardship is relief. [Al-Sharḥ  5]


Verily, along with every hardship is relief. [Al-Sharḥ  6]


dedicated to @haaania:*:* for being the love of my life:p BTW api comes first of course: p lOl

The door opened to reveal a fat lady.I peeped at her through the corner of my left eye.

"What the f**k.This b***h is still sleeping."She barked a list of abuses my way.The next thing I felt was enough to send a man crying,doubled up with pain.The darned lady had taken the liberty to land a kick straight into my ribs,but I continued to fake being unconscious.I recited the 5th and 6th verses of Surah Al-Shar under my breadth to calm my heart.

I heard her laughing like a moron clearly pleased with herself.

"Stop faking it you piece of s**t.I heard you both from outside the door."Her voice tangled up with amusement.I winced inwardly.All the pain I had suffered was for nothing?!

"She really is unconscious Ann.How else could anybody bear your kick and not let out a sqeal or something from the pain?!"The Arab beauty remarked.

Another peel of laughter escaped the stupid,loathsome woman's filthy throat.

"Alright I admit Mahra I heard nothing,just checking you know."

Controlling my anger was taking me to my limit.I hoped she couldn't sense the strong hatred I felt towards her.I thanked Allah the minute she stepped away from me.But the very next moment I feared the worst for the Arab beau-er...for Mahra.

Her kick had thrown me into a very inconvenient position ,I could no longer see what she was doing.

"Well Darling are you ready to cooperate now?"She asked Mahra.

"Never"Mahra replied shortly,not the slightest tremor in her voice.

"You son of a b***h"The hell couldn't the dang of a woman differentiate between a girl and a boy.Had circumstances been different I would have laughed out loud like a goof.-.-

I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the sharp sound of a slap echo through the empty room,that had most probably landed on Mahra's exquisite face.

"Doll the 'baggage' comes in tomorrow and you better get your sorry butt ready by then or else I kill this new b***h right in front of your sorry eyes."She spoke in an errily calm voice.

I could hear Mahra sobbing softly.

"Haha!Tears never work on me do they ,now?Sorry to disappoint ya babe,but I just don't have da soft spot for tears in my heart.Don't forget what I just told ya OK?"With that she turned around and left the room,locking it behind her.

I brought my hands infront of me ninja-style and opened the rope cutting into my wrists using my teeth.I was glad dad had made us all attend those karate classes since we had turned eleven.(the teachers were female ofcourse,dad made sure of that:p)

I quickly straightened up and ran towards Mahra.Her gag had been removed and her hands freed.I wrapped my arms around her slim waist and hugged her to me.Her shoulders shook badly ,as sob after painful sob escaped her lips.I held her tighter to me,until I felt her relax and lay her head on my shoulder.Minutes later I heard her snoring fill the air.

I smiled knowing she needed it.I woke her gently half an hour later.As if on que I heard the lock being forced into again.Why the hell did they do the forcing business when they had a key?!I'm not complaining or anything it just made things easier for us,bought us time.But sheesh;sense ,did such a word exist in their freaking dictionary??!

I leaped to my former position, tying up my hands again.This time a frail looking lady entered the room.She had that delicate air about her that made you feel that a little bit of harsh wind could sweep her along.

The hollows in her eyes and sad deamoir about her made her seem like a victim herself and my heart automatically went out to her.But I decided not to move as she stepped forward with a tray in her hands.

"Another one"She muttered,shaking her head sadly.Placing the tray in Mahra's hands, she headed towards the door.She closed it gently behind her unlike our former visitor.I looked up at Mahra,she motioned for me to get closer.I released my arms and went to her.She resumed with the water works,her shaking worse than before.

"They will turn me into a criminal tomorrow.The baggage will contain some drug and they want me to take it to some country tomorrow."She shouted through heart breaking sobs.Bringing her mouth to my ears,the next thing she whispered left me speechless!!

"I have a plan.Don't worry.The second lady,Miss.Ayesha she......


To be continued ^.^

Aoa babes:p

A cliff-hanger-My first EVER try @ a cliff hanger:p






it means a lot!!





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