Mahra Zain- cute name?No?!!:D

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Api's POV!!

Yupp ppl 'api' has a name :p read on to find out what it is!!!:D

I saw her coming down the stairs with Fatima. I had seen enough of her at the hospital to know that she was a pretty girl.(Ma shaa Allah!) She walked with confidence, her shoulders squared and a determination about her.

It was clear from the face of hers that she'd seen hardship and faced it well. I smiled, I had already guessed what Zain's announcement would me about. I congratulated him in my heart for his excellent choice.

She was like the person who I always wanted as my sister-in-law. True-she wasn't HER but none-the-less she was perfect. Besides SHE was older than my Zain so it was a no-no after all. But Mahra was absolutely perfect for him.

I saw Zain trying to make her sit near us. But she ignored him. Aww!! So cute she was so shy. She ignored him again when he coughed to grab her attention. Finally he gave up and turned towards us all.

"Mom, dad and siblings. This is Mahra and she will be staying with us as a pay-in guest. She is a class-fellow at the university and she's from UAE."

I though he would now go on to tell us that he wanted to marry her. But to my great disappointment he said no such stuff. Instead he stood there and stared at his toes. Like seriously you idiot, you had me all excited here. I felt like smacking him at the back of his goofy head. When will you grow up Zain-when the hell??!

Mom patted the seat next to her for Mahra to sit on. She looked so cute blushing. Aww! I love Mahra already. Zain be quick now! Will you??! Then she and mom got all cute and exchanged a peck each. Lol!! Mom is such a darling. She kissed little kids we didn't even know. So this wasn't much of a surprise. But Mahra seriously??!

Oh man I hadn't expected what happened next and so was quite taken aback by it. Mahra had broken down into tears. Aww shoo cute. Fatima guided her upstairs after Mahra was done apologising to us all.

I waited till she was completely out of sight.

Then I said.

"Oh if only I had a sister-in-law as pretty as your classmate." I smiled with satisfaction as Zain's cheeks turned tomato-red. Seriously if I were him I wouldn't wait a minute but would ask for her hand right away. I saw him coming towards me. He bent down and whispered into my ear.

"Apa(older sis) my room plz. We need to talk. Its urgent. "

"Sure, you go first." I replied.

I could see our parents looking at us with amusement.

"Sure, Zain baita(son) take away your apa to your room." We burst out laughing as Zain turned all red, yet again. He turned and sprinted towards his room.

"I'll be right back guys. The young man really needs me." Mama wiped away the happy tears from her eyes and nodded. Baba smiled. I walked to Zain's room and knocked.

He was quick in opening it and let me inside. I smiled as he locked the door. Sheesh! Lover boy was being super prudent.

"Apa what I'm about to tell you may come as a shock. But hear me out OK."

I nodded my yes and he continued.

"Apa- apa..."

"What the heck Zain. Don't make me wait all day dude."

I gave him an agitated look. Like common Mahra must have had lots of rishtas(proposals) by now. Did he want to loose such a gem??!

I stared at him. He was avoiding eye contact. Seriously what was wrong with my extremely confident little gentleman. Did the cat get his tongue??!

"Apa..Mahra. She..I..we." He stuttered. Like what the hell was he a child. I interrupted him.

"Blurt it out Zain. Speak up before I force it out of you."

"Apa! Apa! Mahra is my wife."

What the heck did he just say??! Is my hearing impaired now or did he just say that??! I starred-no glared at him. Did he want daddy to kill him. A guy married at 22. What is Mahra's age I wondered.

This seriously hasn't happened. I felt all my life long dreams shattering. All I wanted to have was a brother who would have a normal wedding. He would have a beautiful bride. He would buy me an extremely expensive dress to wear on his wedding. I would buy lots of stuff for his bride. Including an irrationally long Iranian pearl and gold necklace.

She and I would go shopping for the wedding together. I would pay for the wedding dress with my own pay and she would become my second sister. Then on the wedding day she would accompany us to our house crying. It would also be her house and and.......

A muffled cry escaped my lips. I saw Zain he had leaped to my side.

"Apa please hear me out. You promised you would. "

I pushed him away and with difficulty moved towards his queen-size bed.

"Speak." I croaked. That was all the encouragement he needed for he was beside me in a second.

"Apa Mahra's only living relative-her mother was diagnosed with an advanced stage of cancer,a month ago. She died a week before from today. She wanted her married at once when I went to ask for Mahra's hand. The doctor warned us. She didn't have more than a week to live. But alhamdulillah she lived for three whole weeks. We loved her and cared for her. She died seeing her daughter wed and happy."

I felt less angry now but still glared at him.

"Apa please don't be harsh to her. She just lost her mother." Zain literally begged of me. OK Mehrunisa be kind, I commanded myself. Zain loves her to bits and she's beautiful. She's a strong girl and you love her already,right? So let's accept her,shall we??! Of course! But I want this lover-boy to suffer a bit so.... Haha.

"Imma go sleep now. Wait till fajr for my answer."

Before Zain could stop me I had sprinted towards my room.


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