My illness-after effects??!!

467 19 6
  • Dedicated to Ash Khan

Why had I felt so scared of Sara yesterday.I asked myself again and again.This wasn't normal she hadn't said anything weird to me,I suppose I had over-reacted.It was time to pay my doctor another visit.I called his office number and booked an appointment with his secretary.

I could see her smiling as she noted down the usual details,I have been to her so many times.Her features are literally pasted onto my mind.Her exquisite smile,and kind eyes always put me at ease,making the whole healing thing easier. May Allah reward her for her kindness.It wasn't part of her job,I love selfless people like her.I put the phone down after saying salam to her.

I had two hours untill the appointment and it would take me half of that time to get ready.I chuckled to myself,I am a lady you see and ladies must be presentable-not attractive don't get the wrong idea:p That left me with exactly an hour to cleanup my room and that was exactly the time that it would take to cleanup the mess around me.

Phew!man this was going to be hard. I debated with myself whether to clean my room right then or after the appointment.I decided on the earlier and began.A hectic hour later the room was all sparkly and shiny(haha) and I was a mess:D

Well no worries a hot bath would repair all the damage:D After the bath I put on my greenish-blue maxi-thing,it leaves no need for a jilbab so I love it.I chose my cream coloured hijab and greenish-blue underscarf to complement the maxi.I glanced at my watch.Cool,with still half an hour to reach the doctor I grabbed the car keys,left a note for my parents and set off towards the clinic.


chapter 4 end ^.^

Authors note:

Aoa ppl

wow m havin lotsa fun ,hope u guys r tooo

plz pray for da ppl of Gaza ,may Allah grant them peace In Shaa Allah m Ameen!!!;(



xxx :D

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