Misba enters- ^.^

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Were the hell is she? Who the hell does she think she is ? Why the FREAKING hell isn't she replying. I was sitting against the study table in my room. I had to finish the "English Legal System" chapter in an hour. Instead of doing that I was busy glaring at my phone ,waiting for Misba's reply. Fatima had shooed me out of her room saying that she had to talk to Mahra alone.

I exhaled loudly. Why do I have to study law man. All I wanted was ACCOUNTS ,ACCOUNTS ND lotsa ACCOUNTS. Where the hell did law come in from. F-4 (corporate and business law) was becoming a pain. I forced my eyes back to the hellishly boring book but then decided to text Misba first.

-Me- Aoa,my idiot

No reply.

5 minutes later

No reply.

-Me-Where da heck is my idiot??!

Another 5 minutes later.

No reply


I turned my attention back to the book.

It read:

1-Definition of law:

The principles and regulations established in a community by some authority and applicable to its people whether in the.."

I stopped here for my phone had vibrated. I reached for it.

-Atti Misba - Aoa sars <3<3

-Me- Wa! Where da fish were u ,my idiot -.-

-Atti Misba - I was cooking ,dear.

I rolled my eyes and typed away.

-Me- Does your cook get paid for resting,you dope?!!

-Atti Misba- Dear she's an old lady and she's fasting.

-Me- I see and you are not?

-Atti Misba- I am sars! But I'm not old.

-Me- Whatever! I replied,moody much??!! :p

-Atti Misba- I have to help ammi(mama) now.

-Me- OK go away. AH!!

-Atti Misba- AH! N I'm not sorry :p

-Me- Of course I know my idiot is devoid of courtesy. -.-

-Att Misba- Haha tata

-Me- Hate U

-Atti Misba- OK dear kuch aur (anything else)?

-Me- Yes I have hated u since v first met.

-Atti Misba- Now yr just lying.

-Me- Prove it.

-Atti Misba- I just know it. You can't hate me,love.

-Me- Cut out the love crap and prove yr statement.

-Atti Misba- Hi ammi will kill me if I don't go to her right now. Sorry :(

-Me- OK go AH! But keep a proof ready.

-Atti Misba- ok I will IA!! AH!

Ughh!! Why did she have to leave??! I literally threw the phone away. You have a chapter to complete. Its a good thing that she left. My brain reminded. Oh yeah so how do you define law again??

Hmm- why don't I take a short nap and study after that. Yeah that will be good. Just a ten minute nap. I got up and moved towards the bed. That's when api stepped in.

"Are you done with the 'English legal system' chapter!"

"Yes api almost." I lied.

"OK then define law for me."

"The principles and regulations established in a community by some authorities and- Umm uhh n enforced and bla bla."

"Were u trying to learn it by heart?"

"Yes." I said in a small voice.

"Uff don't be such a totaa(parrot). Sara puppy be original. Grasp the concept and write in your own words."

"Yes api,I understand. BTW its so DARN boring. Unlike F-2 n F3!!"

"How about F-1." Api grinned at me mischievously. She already knew the answer to that. All the family knows about my dislike towards business studies. In answer I just groaned. Api laughed and ruffled my hair.

"Hayy! Keep your paws off of my precious locks." I showcased my tongue. That only made api laugh harder. She got near me and wrapped me up in a bear hug.

"You know I miss my puppy a lot."

"Nd I miss my mischief loving hot-babe a lot too."

"Hi watch your tongue you bad puppy." Api replied with mock strictness in her voice. She doesn't like swearing or any other off the hook words. Even when we are joking around she snaps at you for using such words.

I made her sit on the bed and placed my head on her lap. She ran her fingers through my hair.

"Api tell me a story like old times."

"Do you want to hear Prophet Nooh's(Noah's)(pbuh) story?

"Yes darling make it as long as you can." I turned around and hurried my face in Api's stomach. She hugged me to her and continued to stoke my hair lovingly. I don't know how it happens but it always does. I sleep within two minutes when she's around. This day wasn't no exception. For she started her story and in a while I felt myself drifting.


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