The handsomest Grandma<3

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Previously on " To heal a dying heart"

Wow Urdu, English and some foreign language. Must be Italian maybe. I thought. But not necessarily for German, French and Spanish are also spoken in Italy.

"Baji I asked him if he was ready."

" OK thank you for translating darling! Let's move it now."

Read on <3

I felt my cell vibrate. I reached for it, it read Mr.Jamshaid. Now why the hell is he calling me? I wondered. I attended the call.

"Asslamualaikum Ms.Fatima. I hope I haven't interrupted anything?"

" Waalaikum assalam! No sir .you haven't."

" I want a favor, Ms.Fatima."

Omg no please this time. Haha he was getting into 'the Boss' mode.

" Please ask away ."

" Could you take the children to their grandma's before the 'seed planting' activity? She wants to see them ."

" Sure." I replied.

"Jazakallah! I'm messaging you the address. Allahafiz!"

"OK Allahafiz."

I looked at the address. I was wondering if I should ask baba to have my car sent over. I spotted Ms.Jasmine .She was coming towards me. I felt my heart beat accelerate. Oh Allah please make this heart strong. I silently pleaded.

She came near me and extended her hand. I took it into mine. It reminded me of Api's soft hands. As expected my smile came out real sincere. What??! She had made me think of Api of course I'd smile like that. I wish we had shook hands earlier<3

She was not expecting a sincere smile for she stuttered.

"Assalamualaikum! I uh wan-wanted to tell you that the car is ready."

She didn't wear a hijab. Her hand was busy scratching the back of neck. A clear nervous action. I liked her more now. She was looking all cute and innocent so yeah the heart beat behaved well too<3.

"Waalaikum asalaam! What car, Ms.Jasmine."

"Please just call me Jasmine. The car that will take you to Mrs.Scott's house. The children's grandmother."

"I see. Jazakallah!Jasmine." I flashed her another heart felt smile and received one back. Wow! Its super amazing how a simple smile beautifies a person. Amazing<3<3  Ma shaa Allah!! <3<3

We waved to each other as I saw her going into her office. Alhamdulillah! I had corrected my wrong <3 I recited surah Fatiha to thank Allah properly<3

Surah Al-Fatiha, Verse 2:

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

(English - Shakir)

via iQuran

Five minutes later I and the children were guided to a car. I couldn't make out exactly what car it was but it certainly reminded me of the "Mercedes-Benz C-Class Saloon". I whistled. Wow super classy!<3 I entered the address into the car's GPS and began to drive.

Ten minutes later I found myself in an opulently furnished drawing room. Sheesh! What's with this family and opulence??! The entire place was full of crystals! I have not seen so many in a single room ever before!

The ceiling was super tall. It was more of a hall than a room. The chandelier simply took my breath away. I felt so proud of Talha n Rubab! They had not touched a single decoration piece! Wow the Jamshaid guy was one hell of a parent! Ma shaa Allah!

I heard footsteps. She was the cutest old lady I have ever seen! Oh my Allah! Like she had such blushing, darling cheeks. It was five minutes later that I realised I hadn't greeted her and was staring at her like an idiot. I cleared my throat. Muttered a 'sorry' and extended my hand towards her. The children were all over her. Talha had grabbed one leg and Rubab the other.

" Assalamualaikum!" I smiled.

" Peace be upon you too. I'm Emily and nice to meet you, hon."

"The pleasure's all mine." I showcased my pretty whites.

" You are a beautiful little creature." She complemented. I blushed like a moron! Wow it felt good to be complemented by her.<3

" You are the handsomest grandma I have ever seen." I spoke truthfully. She flashed me a janu smile and took up the huggable balls(hehe) into her arms. They giggled and my ears caught the foreign language again. Wow such fluency. Oh Allah I have fallen and I have fallen HARD for these ANGELS. Even what others would consider to be normal about them is extremely special and dear to me.

" Darlings I got you guys something you are gonna love." Emily informed my cuddlies.( lol lol me and my slangxx:D)

" Oh grandma! Do let us see!"

I followed the huggables and gramdma as she led us to the garage. I groaned as I caught sight of numerous ,classy beauties. Is this a garage or a showroom? My brain wasn't getting it anymore. So I turned my attention to

'The gift'. It was all covered up with a flowery wrapping sheet. Grandma uncovered it. I awwed at the sight in front of me.

Tiny bicycles ,tri-cycles actually.( the ones with two extra wheels to help kids ride) A baby pink one for Ruby and a blue one for Talha.<3<3 The kids squealed with delight and jumped up and down. I wanted to see them on the bicycles and fast! I hurriedly grabbed at my DSLR. I didn't want to loose this awesome moment!<3

To my surprise the kids held their ground! They had tears in their eyes! Ruby was playing with the hem of her shirt and Talha was standing there looking super kissable. The next thing they did almost put me up against a serious heart-attack. Their tiny hands clenched. Faces raised towards their grandma. They closed their eyes and spoke out loud in union !<3

"Jazakalkahu khairan!!!! Grandma!! WE LOVE U."

Emily placed a hand on her heart and turned real pale! Haha!

"Oh Emily get a hold of yourself." I held her hand.

" They are cute enough to die for." She croaked.

" I know right I almost had a heart attack myself."

I told her and we burst out laughing. Phew! I wiped a happy tear and gave her a sideways hug.<3 Oh my Allah what did I do to deserve such blessings. Alhamdulillah!! <3<3

I had a hell of a time at her house! She had been sweet enough to have 'halal' food cooked for me. Uhem uhem my dislike for 'super rich' people is vanishing and fast! She told me she and her husband were not Muslims. It was Jamshaid who had converted and married Meha. Wow pretty name, I thought!

Later in the day we took the children for 'seed planting' and got our share of 'the mini-heart attacks'. <3<3 By the time I got back to the ward it was time to offer Isha. There was nobody in the room. I turned on the light. I felt fear. I didn't like to be alone anymore.

My heartbeat got real fast ,real quick! I turned around and almost tripped on my own shoe. What is wrong with you? I scolded myself. I had to have someone near me before my brain went back to Mahra. I was panting now. I clenched at my shirt. I threw off my hijab and jilbab. I gasped!

I felt my phone vibrate in the pocket of my Bermuda. I reached for it with shaking hands. 'Jamshaid' it read. I felt relieved. He would distract me!

" Assalamualaikum! Ms.Fatima I wanted to thank you for today the kids are very happy."

" Waalaikum asalaam" I managed to say.

" Sister are you OK ?" I barely heard him.

"Mehr- Bano! Pleesee I need herr." I mumbled before I lost my head to darkness.


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