The Proposal

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Three months later:

Δ Fatima's POV: Δ

I took up the prayer mat. I was done with Isha. My health was very good now. Alhamdulillah!! So I had insisted that dad would ask my teachers back home to help me cover up. He had agreed. Baba has by far never refused any legitimate request of mine. Alhamdulillah!! for excellent parents!

I wanted to focus on my online school work today so I grabbed my tablet and opened the emails my teachers had sent. I had to write an article for the English class. No problem there. Forensic accounting research, now when did I receive a lecture on that?

I debated in my head whether it'd be okay to call my teacher right then. He must be busy. I decided not to. Instead I sent him an email asking about it. I began the English homework. Halfway through it I felt my iPhone vibrate. I grabbed it. It read 'Jamshaid'. I smiled , did my cuddlies want to talk to me??

I attended his call.

"Assalamualaikum! Brother."

"Waalaikum asalaam! Sister, I apologise for calling so late."

" Its perfectly fine." I assured him. I glanced at my watch.


It wasn't so late what's with this guy and formalities??! He seriously reminds of "Mr.Darcey' from 'Pride and Prejudice'. Back in those times guys actually talked like real 'gentlemen'.

" Fatima ,my family has arranged a dinner for your dad, you and Mehr aunty this weekend. Please come over."

Did the guy sound nervous or was I imagining it? Why had he called me by my name? I know I'm over reacting but common guys this just wasn't 'normal' for him!

" Jamshaid brother I have to ask my father and Mehr about it."

" OK I hope to see you tomorrow. In shaa Allah! Allahafiz."

He hung up before I could reply. Weird! I muttered. Oh whatever. I shrugged it off. I didn't care about him much. Haha! Last time I checked he wasn't a kid. >.<


A few day later :

We arrived at the 'Scott residence' at almost 8pm. Baba had been smiling enigmatically throughout the journey. Api seriously takes after baba in many things. The enigma , the handsome delicate features, the endless patience and the list goes on and on. I smiled. Whatever the reason , baba's smile could only mean something positive.

We were received at the entrance by Emily, Mr.Jamshaid and Mr.Scott. Baba went to Mr.Scott , while I joined Emily. Mehr had been unable to accompany us. I was sad because Talha and Rubab were no where around.

"Emily, where are my babies?"

" They're asleep, hon."

"So early! Can't I see them once. We are going to Pakistan tomorrow!"

"I know." She gave me a meaningful smile. I gave her a sad look. How did she know?

"Emily darling I might be gone for months and months. Please wake them up!"

I begged her. She just shook her head at me. I gave her an agitated look. Like what was wrong with her? I gave up on her and looked at the house. I decided I would ask for the rest room and look for their room myself.

We were guided into the usual 'crystal heaven' as I had begun to call it. I sat down. Dad and Mr.Scott were chatting away, oblivious of our presence.

"Emily-" I wanted to try my luck again.

"Hold it ,hon. Before you start thinking of me as the "Wicked witch of the west." "

She turned her attention to Mr.Scott.

"Honey! Fatima's getting impatient. Please hurry it up."

"Sure, Jamshaid would you like to or should I?"

"Padre, lo faro'."( Father , I'll do it.)

"Sicuro!" (Sure)

Jamshaid turned towards baba. The words that left his mouth made my cheeks blush furiously.

"Mr.Huzaifa I wish to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage."

Everybody had their eyes glued to my face. I felt extremely small in the huge sitter I shared with Emily. To make things worse Jamshaid was looking at me too. Having hazel eyes look at you so intently, sure makes you nervous!

"Baba mujhay waqt chahiyay sochnay Kay liyay!" ( Baba I need time to think!) I whisper-yelled to baba in our native language.

"Theek hai baita."( OK daughter) Baba replied. Baba looked so happy.

"Emily , the rest room , please!" I whispered to Emily. She was giving me a teasing smile.

"Sure , hon."

I soon found myself in a bedroom.

"This is the kids bedroom."

"I-I see." I replied. Sure enough the darlings were sleeping peacefully on the queen-size bed. I smiled. Children have a way of relaxing you. I no longer felt embarrassed or nervous. I kissed them both, careful not to wake them up.

Half an hour later, we left their house. I felt super nervous and shy. I had said my salaam to Mr.Scott and Jamshaid while starring at the floor. I couldn't look at baba either. He didn't mind. He smiled , patted my head and planted a kiss on my forehead.

The next day the Scotts came with my babies to see us off. Jasmine and Mehr had come too. My heart wanted to see my homeland real quick. But parting with the angels was so painful. I had told them about Pakistan. About how beautiful it was and how much I missed it.

"Fatima baji , are you going to Pakistan?"

"Yes darlings, I am!"

"Its the extremely beautiful place you told us about right?"

"Yes that's the ONE babies."

"We will miss you and we wanna see Pak real bad."

"I'll miss you guys too and Pak wants you in it real bad too!"

I laughed. Pakistan rocks and the kids would surely love it! I seriously wanted them to see my beloved country. I hugged them real tight as our flight number was announced. I hugged Emily and said my salaam to Mr.Scott and my potential fiance. (Lolx,weird weird >.<) I kissed Mehr, Emily and Jasmine's cheeks and ran after baba.

I closed my eyes as the plane left the ground. I would finally be able to touch my own soil after a whole year of pain and illness. I couldn't wait. There is a charm only your country holds. No other country, no matter how beautiful can ever replace that.


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