⌜ intro ⌟

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once again ♥ markhyuck

the two were married and had a child.

to think they'll be happy after marriage but they were wrong. they always fight day and night, whenever they see each other, and things got worse now that they have a child.

if only they could turn back the time to when they never met. they were willing to start over once again

but this time not with each other.

why do you always blame me in things like this?❞  donghyuck ruffled his hair as he was blamed with chan's bruise on his knee

mark clicked his tongue ❝you only had one job, and that is to watch over chan!

i was watching him!

and you didn't even notice the wound in his knee!?

i'm sorry ok!? the kid was so good in hiding it that i didn't notice!❞ donghyuck really didn't know about the bruise in the kid's knee. he just knew when they got home and chan started crying.

you are not enough, we should find a baby sitter.❞ mark said as he took out his phone

the younger rolled his eyes ❝how about you take a break from your job and have time for your family?

excuse me?

it's always about your job! you don't even have time for us already.❞ donghyuck sat down on the bed, crossing his arms

well i'm sorry that i'm the only one providing the needs of the family!❞ mark harshly slammed his phone at the mini table next to the bed ❝you don't even know how hard the job is, you only think office works are only sitting down and facing the computer.

i never said that!

but you thought of it! don't even lie and say you didn't.

donghyuck raised both of his hands, as if he surrendered ❝you know what? i'm tired.

and do you think i am not?

the younger groaned and didn't argue anymore. he pulled up the covers and hid under it, hoping mark would disappear.

mark decided not to sleep beside him like any other times he would. he was in a bad mood and the one laying down the bed, covering himself, was the reason why.

if only they could turn back and change everything.

⌜ mark lee
lee donghyuck ⌟

c h o g i w a n e s e

🍼 nope not a continuation of baby chan :) i just used his name as markhyuck's son because i love him sO MUCH

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🍼 nope not a continuation of baby chan :) i just used his name as markhyuck's son because i love him sO MUCH.

anyways, new markhyuck book yay. i was inspired to make this after seeing the movie.. or was it a drama.. about two couples who went back to the time when they were younger and all. i forgot the title ;-;

⎯⎯  s t a r t⎯⎯

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