she's not alone,
even if sometimes it
feels like it.but one day,
she'll be looking back
at a time (a version of herself)
that is no longer won't happen overnight,
and she might not even notice
the difference at first,
but things will won't be easy
and some days she'll be
right back in the pit
she's trying to climb out of,
but some days she'll be
sitting at the top
without even realising.she doesn't know it yet,
and it's the sort of thing
that sounds stupid
when someone else tells you
(because what do they know)
but it's true.
she'll get there.i promise.
PuisiNOUN 1. Unable to be broken, indestructable. "She wasn't yet, but one day she'd be unbreakable, free from the chains that held her." //BREAKABLE book #2// The daily ramblings and thoughts of a girl just...