Luhan:Rollercoaster ride

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~It all started with a rollercoaster ride.

          You and your best friend are in Lotte World lining up for the rollercoaster ride-you guys were so excited.After a few people it would be your turn,you guys have been waiting in line for almost an hour.

           FINALLY! THANK YOU GOD! You thanked God mentally as it was you and your best friend's turn.You guys were about to sit together until a guy pushed your best friend away and pushed another guy in so,right now your sitting with a complete stranger.

YAY! Note the sarcasm

“ Excuse me,but can my friend sit beside you?” The stranger number 1 said. You just nodded.

Who is that guy anyway,just pushing MY best friend away and forced a random guy to sit here.You thought.

“I'm sorry about him, he's got a thing for you friend there..” The guy next to you said.

"Ahh, I get it..What's his name?And...what's your name?” you asked.

“Oh, My name is Luhan,and “my" so called friend there, is Sehun.”

You chuckled,thinking how he's also mad.

"My names (Y/N),btw nice to meet you.” You said while shaking his hands.

You guys were silently waiting for the seats to be filled,soo,awkward.You can't help but remembering that spark when you and Luhan shaked hands, his smile,his hair,his EYES! Their like sparkling. I can't believe that i just gushed about a guy i just met.You noticed that Luhan was gripping on his safety thingy that holds your shoulders,yeah that,which cut your train of thoughts. “Hey,something wrong?"you asked Luhan. “I'm just afraid of heights"he said shyly.Omg,,he's so adorable!asdgfhklkhafassfj! You thought.

“Ohh,you can hold my hand if you want? or thats just stupid,i can't believe i even asked you that,i make you sound like a kid an-- ” “ Sure, I would like that” Luhan said while blushing. You guys held hands while blushing like crazy.


After the ride, your best friend who was beside you,gushing about how cute Sehun is.You kinda felt sad that you didnt get to see Luhan anymore.You remembered how he was clutching on your hand like his life depending on it.You smiled at that memory,that just happened about 10 minutes ago.

“ Hellooooo? (Y/N),are you there?!” Your best friend,who was waving her hands in front of you.

“oh,um what?” you asked.

“What are you thinking about? I was like trying to get your attention for like 2 minutes..Is something wrong?” your best friend asked,concerned.

“ Sorry,I was just thingking about something,don't worry..” You smiled sadly at your best friend. “Wait,is this about that guy Luhan?” your best friend said smirking.

“ Wha-”“ So,already thinking about me, eh?” Luhan said whose standing behind you with Sehun.


“In your dreams” you said.

“I forgot to give you something..”Luhan said,clealy ignoring what you said.He took out a piece of paper and hand it to you.You opened it and-


              Call me ;)

                      xoxo Luhan

You looked up to thanked him,but he was gone,leaving you and your best friend. Well,that's not gonna be the last time I'm seeing him,you thought.

Hope you enjoyed it!




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