Luhan:Run Away With Me

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Hey guys,this is a special Luhan imagi--*sobs* Im sorry,i cant help it,i miss him soo much,give me a minute.1 hour later..

Okay,so as i was saying..This is a special Luhan Imagine,for,myself.Im kidding,its for everyone who loves Luhan.I will support him,no matter what.So,enjoy!


                 “Hey Luhan.” You said to your boyfriend,while putting the groceries you just bought on the kitchen table.“Hey jagiya.”He said,giving you a peck,only,which made you pout.He chuckled and kiss you on the nose.“What are you cooking?And I thought you can only cook instant noodles.”You asked/said,hugging him from the back.“Well,I watched 4 hours of cooking channel,and went on YouTube,so I can cook dinner for you.”He said.“Awww!Jeongmal?!”You said,he nodded,and you give him a full kiss.“Thank you..” You said after breaking the sweet kiss.

            “Omo!! This is amazing! ”You said gesturing to the food that your boyfriend just made.“Why Thank you!”He said and chuckled.“I never thought you could make something so good!”You said with your mouth full.“Tha-- Hey!”He said clearly offended.You laugh,after swallowing the food.“Im kidding! But thank you for this wonderful dinner.”You said holding his hand.“Well Im glad you liked it.Are you done?”He asked.You nodded.Before he could take the plates you stop him and said.“I'll do the dishes,and you go take a shower or something.” And kiss him on the cheek.

               You put the dishes in the sink,open the water tap and start washing the dishes,You always remember to put EXO songs when doing chores.When the song Moonlight by EXO blasted through the speaker,You immediately think of the moment Luhan asked you to be his girlfriend.


        “(y/n) Go up to the rooftop!I have something to show you.” Luhan said throught the phone.“Okay? Why?”You asked.“ Just go up,im hanging up.” He said and the line went off.“Okay.” You muttered to yourself. You went to the elevator,and saw a sign that says Warning:Broken,please use the stairs. Great,now I have to walk up 5 floors.You thought.You open the door to  the stairs,and quickly went up , and on the last floor,you see...sticky notes on each step.What on earth? You thought.You pick up the pink sticky note and read it.

Your eyes,the most beautiful eyes I ever seen.

Omg.You blushed and picked up another one,this time its green.

Your lips, so kissable, im afraid I can't control myself.

Im dead,Luhan's the one who ask me to come uo here,maybe he put the elevator warning sign there in purpose.Omg...

You pick the third one,which is blue..

Your hair, my hands are itching to stroke(idk?) them while you fall asleep.

Seriously,im melting right thought.You quickly went up again,seeing no signs of sticky notes anywhere.

A few more steps and we're there.You thought to yourself feeling relief.

You caught a two more sticky note,this time with rose petals all over the place.

You read the first one,and it says...

You are absolutely, astoundingly gorgeous and that's the least interesting thing about you.

Now that..I dont know what to say.You thought.So you went in and open the door to the rooftop while reading the last one.
*inserts music,Moonlight by exo.*

You look so perfect standing there,and  you're the most amazing person I've ever met, look up.

You did what you were told and see Luhan standing a few feet in front of you holding a bouquet of roses.Your fav.You immedietly smiled and hugged him.

“Be mine?” He whispered.

End of Flashback~

     “Hey..”Luhan whispered on you neck,hugging you from behind.“Hey.”You said softly.He stayed there for a while,watching you washing the dishes.

       “I need to tell you something.”Luhan said,on your neck.You felt sparks through your spines.“What is it?”You asked.“Its about SM,I filed lawsuit.”He said.You were shocked that he wanted to leave EXO,his best friends,brothers,family.You stopped what you're doing and face him.“What about them?” You asked referring to the rest of EXO.“I've talk to them,they understood me.So they let.I want to go back to China,(Y/n).”Luhan said,looking sad.“Then what about me? What about us? And whaat bout everythibg we've been through?(a/n: its like High school musical 2 all over again ;p continue your reading.) ”You asked,tears almost spilling out.

     “Then,Run away with me.”He said cupping your cheeks.“Okay.”You whispered. “Okay.”He replied and kiss you full on the lips.

Run Away with me...

Thats it for today.Hooe you guys liked it.I know a few High school musical and the faukt in our stars moment in there.Cute dont you think??? *Fangirling on the picture I put myself*





Kamsahamnida!! SARANGHAE!


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