Chanyeol:Arrange Marriage??

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         “WHAT?!Mom,you can't be serious!?"You said,starting to cry.

         “Honey,it's not my choice,It's the company,we need more money.”Your mom said,trying hard not to break,your mom and dad doesn't agree with the choice either but,they had too.

        “I can't just marry a stranger,i don't even know his name!!” You yelled,tears falling down you face.

       “I'm sorry,honey,please just try to accept it,i know it's hard--” You cut her off“ No mom,you don't know what it feels like,to marry,a guy you don't know at a young age! I'm only 19!!”You cried harder.Your mom hugged you while stroking your hair as you cry.“I actually know what it feels like..” Your mom said softly.

“What do you mean??” You asked.

“I was arranged to marry your dad,but i learn to love him,and i still do.” and she continue “Im fact,you might actually like this person,i heard his very nice and sweet.” Your mom said smiling at you.“Okay..fine.” You said.So when am I gonna meet this guy?,You thought.


*someone call the doctor nal butjapgo malhaejwo,sarangeun gyeolguk jundok overdose.Sigani jinalsur-*

      “Hello?” You said half asleep,it's been days since your mom told you about the arrange marriage.

      “Honey,go change into nice clothes..”

       “whyy?” you said.

       “Your meeting your future husband,oh,and meet me at the nearest Starbucks.” Your mom said,excitingly.

You groaned.“Okay mom...Soo excited!” You said,hoping your mom notice the sarcasm.“Great,love youu!!” Your mom said,clearly didn't notice the sarcasm.


You got out of the bathroom,with a towel,smelling like strawberries,your favourite.You quickly dried your hair and curled it into soft waves.You wore a nice white sleeveless top,black jeans and a beige heels,with a cute bow on it.Satisfied with your look,you moved on to make up,you just went with light brown shadow,eyeliner,mascara and lip gloss,and DONE!

        You went out,remembering to grab your handbag and walk your way to Starbucks,it's just a few blocks away.

          You were actually a bit excited and nervous at the same time,i mean who wouldn't. I wonder what he looks like? What if he doesn't like me,and more importantly what if I dont like him? Your thoughts were full of what IF's.You reached Starbucks and began looking for you mom,soon,you found her easily since she was facing you and a guy was sitting in front of her,so his back was facing you.Your mom waved at you,and you waved back.

          You went and order your drink,which is Chocolate chip cream.

(a/n:Its my fav,dont judge me,change it if you like.) “What's your name?” The lady asked. “(y/n)” you said.

“I'll bring this to your seat.” She said.

“Okay,thanks..”You said as you payed her.

       You went to your mom and at the same time the guy you were going to marry looked at you.You were both lost in each other eyes.You heard a chair squeaked and went back to your mom.Snapped out of it!,you thought.

         “Hey mom.” You greeted,not daring to look at the guy.

          “Hey honey,i would like you to meet Park Chanyeol,you future husband.” Your mom said excitingly,which you rolled your eyes mentally.You look at him,he has this cute look,until...

        “Hello,it's nice to meet you (y/n).” Holy fudge brownies! His voice.His,everything just became perfect.You always had a thing for adorable guys with deep voice.

       “oh,um-y-yeah,its nice to meet you too..” You said shaking his hand,for a brief moment you felt spark,but you shoved it down in your thoughts.


   To be continue....

*Cliffhanger!! I'm so sorry..haha

I'm sorry,but since I'll be going to school tomorrow,i wont be able to make the requests,so you have to wait a while! Mianhae!!


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