Lay: Love,Hate Relationship?

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             You are just an ordinary girl in school.You like hanging out with your friends,except for one person,Lay.You hate him because he's been a total jerk to you.You hate him but at the same time,you like him.(I know it doesnt make sense,but i get that a lot)

          “I dont see why you hate him so much.”Your friend said,while you both walk down the hallways.

           “Don't you see he's being a jerk to me?”Mimicking her tone.

           “No,i don't (y/n).” Your friend said.

           “Yeah,whatever, I dont want to talk about him anymore.”You said, continue walking to your class not caring about anything anymore.

             You went in class,and just your luck,Lay was sitting at tge back,and his front is the only empty sit left.Greeatt~
“Okay,class,take out your textbook page 46.”You sighed,hopefully Lay can leave you alon- thud thud..“Why the hell are you kicking my chair?” You whispered,turning back to look at him.He just shrugged.You sighed again in annoyance.thud thud.Just ignore it,and he's gonna leave you alone,you thought.thud thud..Ignore.
thud thud thud..That's it!You stand up,making the chair screeched,and have everyone looking at you.Bad choice.“Stop annoying me!!” You said angrily.“Ms.(y/l/n) why are you interrupting my class? ” The teacher scolded.“Lay is annoying me!” You pointed at him like a little innocent girl.“Detention! Both of you!” The teacher said.You scoffed.Urrgghh,can this day get any better?,you thought.
          “It's all your fault!!”You shouted and crossed your arms.“How can if be my fault? You were the one shouting.Lay is annoying me!”Lay mocked.“You are annoying me! ”You groaned in annoyance.“Whatever”Lay said.“Fine!” “Fine!”
        You both reached the class,that teacher told you to sit detention at,and sit in the back of the class while Lay sit in front.Urgghh,you can't help but think about your argument just now,if people didn't know you guys were frenemies,they probably thought you guys were an old married couple.Pfft--couple.
        “Why the hell do you hate me so much?” Lay askes,suddenly,still not looking at you.“It's none of your business.”You said monotone.“Well,it is my business if you hated me.”He said with a duh tone.“Correction,still hate you.”You said.“You didnt answer my question.” He said.“Then,tell me why do you keep annoying me?”You said.“You want my answer?! Fine! Didn't you ever heard about a fact about boys? When they annoy you,it means they like you!”He said,well practically yelled.You became silent.You never once thought about him liking you,or even know you.You now understand everything,the way he treated you,he wanted your attention but you were too oblivious,you like him too,but you're not too sure with what you're actually feeling for him.And without thinking,you crashed your lips to his.

I know im soo slow,but im starting with slow updating from now on.Sorry! But i hope you like this one


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